In a “State of Development” post, Fortnite developer Epic Games has announced that the game’s Save the World mode (which to this point has cost money) will not become free to play this year as was originally planned. The delay is happening because Epic wants to keep working on the mode, including “a broad set […]
Bandai Namco has revealed Kane, the villain of their upcoming manga crossover game Jump Force. Kane, who is not from an existing series and has been made specifically for the game, seems to be responsible for the melding of worlds that is bringing all the Jump characters together with each other and into the real world. […]
Epic is never one to miss a good opportunity to encourage people to play Fortnite and Halloween is one of the best things to get people to enjoy new cosmetics. As such, the official Fortnite Twitter account has been posting teases of new content with the hashtag of Fortnitemares. Tombstones quake, Keep your finger steady. […]
When Shadow of the Tomb Raider released last month, fans were fairly split on the game. Our own review felt like the game wasn’t entirely fulfilling its potential, but user reviews on digital distribution service Steam were in the “positive” range, which means that 70% of reviewers were high on the game. Now that positive […]
Konami has revealed that a Pyramid Head costume, Silent Hill II’s primary corporeal antagonist, will be a part of Metal Gear Survive’s upcoming Halloween event. In further Konami crossing over, Castlevania music will also be coming to the game in the form of cassette tapes. The mission is titled The Research’s Story, which runs from […]
Persona 5’s Morgana has a bad habit of telling people when they are and aren’t sleep, and dictating their actions based on their assumptions. It’s kind of rude, honestly, and if I want to hang out with my friends or dive into someone’s psyche through an ethereal plane, that’s my damn business. But it seems […]
Tekken 7 has become one of the fighting game community’s biggest mainstays since its release last year, and it looks like that momentum, along with continual updates, guest characters, and a second season have translated into good sales numbers. Series producer Katsuhiro Harada took to Twitter to announce some recent sales numbers. The highlight is […]
Although the official Artifact Twitter page lists the date for the game’s beta period as “October,” that timeframe is no longer accurate. Players who received access to the beta by going this year’s International Dota 2 tournament have had the game added to their accounts, although it’s not yet playable. The notice informing them they’ve […]
Dead Cells, one of the most critically beloved roguelikes of the year, is the kind of quick-hit title that’s perfect on the go, which currently means playing it on Switch. But, if a recent store listing is any indication, it could soon mean playing it on your phone. Yesterday Android Police found a listing for the game […]
Although it still plans to produce shows based on the Marvel universe, the continuation of its current Luke Cage series isn’t part of that plan. Deadline reports Marvel and Netflix jointly announced their decisions to end the series prematurely. The third season was already in production at the time of the cancellation, with showrunner Cheo Hodari […]