Scarily good. From its opening moments right up until the last few seconds as the credits began to roll, Pinstripe had us emotionally hooked. The game, which was painstakingly developed almost entirely by just one man over a five-year period, tells the story of Ted, an ex-minister who gets thrown headfirst into a nightmare-inducing series […]
Fortunes can change like the wind. If you’ve been keeping up with the Pokémon movies, you’ll know the next one is out this November in both the US and UK. After a name change from Pokémon: Everyone’s Story to Pokémon The Movie: The Power of Us, the focus has been on the initial trailer and […]
Based on the classic children’s book. Colin Thiele’s beloved 1964 children’s book Storm Boy is currently in the process of being adapted to cinema for the second time and is also being turned into a video game. We first found out about it coming to multiple game platforms including the Switch in August, and now […]
25 percent off until 25th November. Following yesterday’s eShop listing that revealed Rogue Legacy was on the way to the Switch, Cellar Door Games has now announced Full Metal Furies will launch the same day on 6th November. From the release date until 25th November, the title will also be 25 percent off. Full Metal […]
Make some noise. Following the news in September that a physical version of Deemo was coming in 2019, PM Studios and acttil have now revealed the rhythm game is arriving in North America on 29th January. Alongside this announcement was the confirmation the game would be compatible with the Nintendo Labo piano. If you haven’t […]
Educating with cardboard. Since it was released, there’s been much discussion about the potential educational purposes of Nintendo Labo. In June, Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aimé explained how Nintendo intended to run entry-level coding programs over the summer for kids and would move into the educational market in fall. The next step […]
Anyone can be a hero. Earlier this year, Toronto-based developer Cellar Door Games said the chances of its rogue-lite title Rogue Legacy being released on the Switch was promising. Now, a UK eShop listing has revealed the game will be making its way to Nintendo’s hybrid system next month on 6th November for £10.99. Here’s […]
Up against three PlayStation titles. Ubisoft’s Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle has done tremendously well on the Nintendo Switch, with the game becoming the highest selling third-party title on the system. The two million sales of this game eventually led to the Star Fox crew making an appearance in Ubisoft’s new IP, Starlink: Battle for […]
Prepare to press B. Our very own Alex Olney has been enjoying Dark Souls: Remastered since it was released on the Nintendo Switch, but one aspect of the game has seriously got on his nerves. It’s to do with how two buttons in the menus don’t match default settings found in other games. The ‘B’ […]
Learn to code directly on Switch. FUZE Technologies Ltd has revealed that its upcoming FUZE4 Nintendo Switch platform will be officially launching on the console in April next year. It’s been quite a while since we last heard about FUZE4 Nintendo Switch – we actually received our last batch of information in January – but […]