LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Seemingly Launches This October

By On 8 May, 2020 At 01:09 AM | Categorized As Sony | With 0 Comment

YouTube channel reveals.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga received a welcome info dump this past Monday to celebrate Star Wars Day with new key art and screenshots. That was all well and good, but fans were still left wondering when they’d be able to play the game for themselves. Well, it appears they no longer need to ponder that question. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga launches for PlayStation 4 on 20th October 2020 according to a video uploaded to the official Star Wars YouTube channel earlier today.

In it, presenter Kristin Baver says: “Releasing on October 20th, play out your favourite moments brick by brick.” Now, developer Traveller’s Tales hasn’t backed this up by also revealing the release date in a public manner. However, since this comes from an official Star Wars source, we think we’re pretty safe in saying that this is the actual launch date. We’ve reached out to the studio for comment.

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