Gallery: Here’s What Our Community Thinks PS5 Will Look Like

By On 3 May, 2020 At 01:20 AM | Categorized As Sony | With 0 Comment

We asked, you delivered.

Last week, we presented our readers with a task. We were curious to know what you lot think the PlayStation 5 will look like, and so we asked you to send us your very own designs. If you had a vision for PS5 — be it serious or silly — we wanted to see it. Fortunately, our community rose to the challenge, sending us all kinds of magnificent PS5 designs. Now, it’s time we showed them off.

Before we do, we’d just like to say thank you to all those who took the time to join in with this daft idea. We know everyone is sick to the back teeth of waiting for Sony to show us the next-gen machine, so we opened up the floor to you guys to express yourselves, and we’re extremely pleased with the results. Let’s have a look, shall we?

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