Mario Kart 8 Is Now Five Years Old

By On 1 Jun, 2019 At 01:26 AM | Categorized As Nintendo | With Comments Off on Mario Kart 8 Is Now Five Years Old

We’re ready for a new entry.

Sure, Mario Kart Tour is coming to mobile devices later this year, but right now, we’re still technically playing the same Mario Kart game we were on the Wii U five years ago. Yes, on 30th May 2014, Mario Kart 8 was released in North America and Europe on a Nintendo system that was at the time struggling to appeal to the masses.

The particular entry set itself apart from previous outings in the Mario Kart series with an all-new anti-gravity feature. The DLC was also a first for the series, adding in free Mercedes-Benz karts and two paid DLC packs later down the line – featuring more characters, vehicles and tracks. The 200cc was an added bonus. All of this paid off in the long-run, with Mario Kart 8 becoming the Wii U’s best-selling title and shifting more than eight million copies worldwide.

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