Video: Even Menu Controls Are Challenging In The Switch Version Of Dark Souls

Prepare to press B.

Our very own Alex Olney has been enjoying Dark Souls: Remastered since it was released on the Nintendo Switch, but one aspect of the game has seriously got on his nerves. It’s to do with how two buttons in the menus don’t match default settings found in other games.

The ‘B’ button is essentially used to confirm decisions in the menus, while the ‘A’ button acts as the cancellation button. As Alex points out, it’s the complete opposite to what you would expect. It means you’ll often enter a menu wanting to select something or other before realising you’ve exited out by accident.

In an attempt to resolve this minor problem, Alex went to remap the game’s menu controls only to discover options to change the menu functions of these buttons is greyed out. You simply can’t swap the two buttons around. At a loss at this point, our video producer took to the streets and even ventured into the homes of other people to find out how everyone else was feeling about this situation. Unsurprisingly, he’s not alone with his frustrations.

Is Alex blowing this out of proportion or is this something Bandai Namco needs to fix? Be sure to view the video above and tell us in the comments below.

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