Review: Sinner: Sacrifice For Redemption – A Distilled But Ultimately Disappointing Dark Souls Wannabe
Like a boss?
FromSoftware’s ‘SoulsBorne’ series has plenty of defining features that set it apart from its contemporaries. Obtuse storytelling. Mercilessly precise combat models. Mazelike hubs to explore. But none of these elements hold quite as much tangible power as the series’ (mostly) breathtaking bosses. From the tag-team nightmare of Orstein and Smough to the onslaught of Father Gascoigne, these are the big bads that stay with you long after the game has been returned to its shelf.
But what if you could do away with all the exploration and busywork that tied those monolithic monsters together and get straight to the boss fights? That’s clearly the question developer Dark Star wished to pose with Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption, a boss-rush experience that distils that familiar SoulsBorne experience into eight distinct fights, but unfortunately, the answer it gives fails to leave the same kind of impact as its inspiration.
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