Netflix Will Continue Making Marvel Shows

By On 19 Oct, 2018 At 02:00 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

With the recent cancellation of Marvel’s Iron Fist, one of Netflix’s original programs designed to lead into a Defenders crossover, fans have been wondering whether all the Marvel Netflix shows will eventually go away. Disney is launching its own streaming service, so the theory has been that the house of mouse pushed for cancellation to bring the series home and the same fate is inevitable for the rest. Not so, says Netflix, at least until they decide to lower the axe themselves.

When Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos was asked about the future of the superheroes currently tied to Netflix and whether they too will fade into dust, Sarandos was brief.

“Those shows are for us to cancel,” he said, “and we’re super happy with their performance so far.”

So that more or less confirms that Netflix was behind Iron Fist’s cancellation and the continued existence of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and The Punisher. Still, if Disney wants the shows, they’ll probably find a way to get them back, unless Netflix signed that ironclad of a deal.

Daredevil’s third season begins tomorrow, October 19.

[Source: Inverse]

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