ROMs For Unreleased Phantom and Mandrake GBA Games Found

gba phan

Comic fans are just as passonate about their hobbie as retro gamers are and in this case one fan site’s research has benifited both. The Phantom fan site has uncovered playable ROMs for the unreleased The Phantom: Ghost Who Walks and Mandrake the Magician: Shadow of the Vehme Game Boy Advance titles.

Previously all we knew about the two games, thanks to Unseen64, was that they were developed by 7th Sense Studios and a few screenshots has been released. However, thanks to ChronicleChamber’s efforts we now have not only playable ROMs but also much greater information on the development of the games, the games’ design documents, trailers that would have been used to promote the games and concept sketches and designs. 

For those who may not be aware, Mandrake the Magician and The Phantom were both created by writer Lee Falk in 1934 and 1936 respectivley. They both enjoyed a succfull run in both newspaper strips and comic books around the world, as well as having appeared in cartoons, film and video games. The two characters, especially The Phantom, are still popular today and continue to be published in several countries.

The research done by ChronicleChamber has provided more detail on these two games than we could have possibly hoped for. If you’d like to learn more about the games’ development and check out the design documents and ROMs yourself, they can all be downloaded directly from

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