Prince of Persia 6 Website Domain Registered by Ubisoft

By On 5 May, 2020 At 01:21 AM | Categorized As Sony | With 0 Comment

Leap of faith.

Ubisoft has been busy with websites recently. Last week, it registered the domain for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla just hours before the game was officially revealed, and now, it’s registered Is the publisher finally bringing the action platforming franchise back from the dead?

While not concrete proof that we’re getting Prince of Persia 6, it’s still a very specific domain, so there’s a chance that it does actually mean something. And with so many next-gen events coming soon — Microsoft’s Xbox Series X showcase is later this week, while Sony’s PS5 reveal seems set for late May or early June — it’s possible that Ubisoft may be gearing up for an announcement.

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