Rumour: PS Now Receives Another Excellent PS4 Exclusive This Month

By On 7 Apr, 2020 At 01:44 AM | Categorized As Sony | With 0 Comment

And a touch of Golf.

Sony hasn’t yet announced the line-up of new additions coming to PlayStation Now this month, but the cat might already be out of the bag. An advertisement on French website Jeux Video indicates that the service will be adding yet another fantastic PlayStation 4 exclusive to the streaming subscription alongside two other interesting titles.

The ad reveals that PS Now users can look forward to Marvel’s Spider-Man being added to the service as well as Just Cause 4 and The Golf Club. We have to assume that the former will stick around for a limited time, similar to Control and Persona 5, while the other two will be permanent additions. Don’t forget that Horizon: Zero Dawn and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy will be leaving the service tomorrow.

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