Talking Point: PS5 Delay Is Possible, And We Could Have to Accept That

By On 9 Mar, 2020 At 01:31 AM | Categorized As Sony | With 0 Comment

Not now next-gen.

As far as we know, the PlayStation 5 is still scheduled to release this coming holiday. Of course, we’re beginning to get the distinct impression that plans may change. Sony’s been relatively quiet about its next-gen plans since it showcased the system’s familiar logo at CES 2020 earlier in the year, but while it still may be abiding to an internal timeline, we’re beginning to wonder if the escalating coronavirus epidemic has pushed it into a position of silence.

Before we continue, we should point out that there are far bigger concerns than video games when it comes to the aforementioned disease. People are dying, or at least becoming gravely ill, and we’re not in any way suggesting that new consoles should take priority over the health of human beings. That said, this is a PlayStation website, so of course we’re going to focus on the impact to our passion, even if it’s irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

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