Yumi Yang Promoted to Head of Santa Monica Studio Following Shannon Studstill Departure

By On 5 Mar, 2020 At 01:26 AM | Categorized As Sony | With 0 Comment

“A 19-year PlayStation veteran”.

Earlier today, it was announced that Google Stadia is opening a new game studio, with industry legend Shannon Studstill set to lead the team. Previously heading up Sony’s own Santa Monica Studio, she leaves behind some big boots to fill, but PlayStation has wasted no time in putting forward a fitting replacement. The new head of the God of War developer is Yumi Yang.

Her name might not be a particularly familiar one, but she’s described by Sony as “a 19-year PlayStation veteran” with substantial experience and knowledge of Santa Monica’s output. “Her project management prowess and meticulous oversight of 2018’s God of War helped the title fully realize its groundbreaking potential,” reads the platform holder’s statement. “With her vast experience and deep understanding of the studio’s distinct creative DNA, she is perfectly positioned to lead Santa Monica Studio to a bold and exciting future.”

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