Sundance 2020: Justin Simien’s Haunted Hair Horror Film ‘Bad Hair’

By On 26 Jan, 2020 At 11:35 AM | Categorized As Movies | With 0 Comment
Bad Hair Review

Step aside zombies and ghosts, haunted hair is going to be all the rage in 2020. And I’m not talking about The Ring. The immensely talented writer / director Justin Simien is back at the Sundance Film Festival with his second feature film (following his directorial debut Dear White People premiering at the festival in 2014). His new film is called Bad Hair, a major horror moment introducing us to a new horror concept – haunted hair weaves. The film goes all out with that haunted hair concept, perhaps indulging a bit too much, but nonetheless this still feels like a landmark film in the horror genre. It definitely will not be for everyone, because not all of us have had to deal with nappy hair, but that’s also exactly why this film rules. It’s original and creative and clever and specific, and introduces us to Elle Lorraine as Anna and her haunted weaves. ›››

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