Fortnite Event Seems To Be Causing PSN Problems [Update]
It appears PS4’s PSN service is currently experiencing some issues. Players across social media are reporting they aren’t able to access certain games and online features on PS4.
It’s currently unclear how widespread these issues are. GameSpot unsuccessfully tried to join a party on PS4, and many players on Twitter are reporting similar issues. However, we were able to log into both Apex Legends and Borderlands 3, so these issues don’t appear to be affecting all titles. Sony’s PSN status page claims “all services are up and running.” [Update: GameSpot has verified that PS4’s party feature is once again working. We’ll update this story with any further developments.]
The issues coincide with Fortnite’s big “The End” event, which saw a black hole swallow up everything in the game. Since the event, players have not been able to join any new games of Fortnite, but they are still able to log in and watch the mysterious black hole, although those on PS4 appear to be having a much harder time logging in due to these issues.
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