Watch: Frank Ternier’s Creative Mixed-Media Outrage Short Film ‘Riot’

By On 2 Jun, 2019 At 11:07 AM | Categorized As Movies | With 0 Comment
Riot Short Film

“Look at this street… See. Think of those who’ve passed before you.” How about an uber creative, intensive short to end the week? Riot is a short film by French filmmaker / artist Frank Ternier, and after playing on the festival circuit for two years it’s now available to watch online. The film combines various filmmaking techniques — animation, observational footage, interpretive dance — about an uprising in a neighborhood after a boy is killed by police. SOTW explains: “Ternier’s gripping and powerful film pairs bravura animation techniques with raw feeling to capture, with a rare authenticity, the physical and emotional violence of such a tragedy, and the rage felt by everyone in its wake.” This can also be simply described as an “experimental mixed media interpretive dance French art short film about social injustice” – and it’s really worth a watch. ›››

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