Berlinale 2019: ‘System Crasher’ is a One-Note Adventure Into Crazy

By On 10 Feb, 2019 At 11:52 AM | Categorized As Movies | With 0 Comment
System Crasher Review

There’s only so much screaming one can deal with before they go crazy, too. And this film seriously comes close to crossing that line. System Crasher, also known as Systemsprenger, is a very intense German drama about a young girl with serious anger issues who often blows up and gets really, really crazy. It’s a meaningful, well-made feature film that attempts to examine the challenges of working with a child known as a “system crasher” but unfortunately it’s a one-note story that never turns the page. There’s no character arc or story development or anything beyond the basics, beyond the initial introduction and then two hours of screaming and yelling and temper tantrums. There are numerous attempts at making some progress, but nothing works. And after a while it gets a bit tiring and frustrating – which is the point of it the film, I guess. ›››

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