Sundance 2019: Petra Costa’s Documentary ‘The Edge of Democracy’
For the times, they are a changin’… What a world we live in these days. So many things are coming apart. And this documentary is one of the most eye-opening, magnificent looks at what is happening. The Edge of Democracy is a captivating documentary made by Brazilian filmmaker Petra Costa, taking us deep inside the end of democracy and remarkable political upheaval in Brazil over the last decade. It’s an astounding inside look at the recent political shake up in Brazil, examining and showing us directly how democracy is collapsing thanks to political power grabs. There’s a phenomenal amount of jaw-dropping footage in this, combined with very personal filmmaking from Petra Costa, that make it an extraordinary documentary. This film really blew me away – I didn’t expect to be impressed this much, but there’s so much to admire about it. ›››
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