PS4's PlayStation Plus Games For January 2019 Announced
It may be hard to believe, but 2018 is nearly over. That means it won’t be long before January rolls around, bringing PlayStation Plus members a new set of free PS4, PS3, and PS Vita games to add to their collection. Sony has announced January’s lineup, so let’s dive in and see what you’ll be able to download from PSN between January 1 and February 5.
PS4 owners can pick up Steep, an extreme sports game from Ubisoft that lets you ski, snowboard, and glide in a wing suit to go from a mountain’s snowy peaks to its powdery base. The other PS4 game for January is Portal Knights, which takes the building component of Minecraft and constructs around it an RPG that encourages crafting and exploration.
The PS3 freebies are Zone of the Enders HD Collection, which contains remastered versions of two PS2 mech combat games, and the music/rhythm game Amplitude. PS Vita owners can grab Fallen Legion: Flames of the Rebellion (also playable on PS4) and Super Mutant Alien Assault.
If you’re reading this in 2018, it’s not too late to pick up your free PS Plus games for December. They include the racing game Onrush and the horror game Soma for PS4; Steredenn and SteinsGate for PS3; and Papers, Please and Iconoclasts for PS Vita.
PS Plus members should note that, starting in March 2019, Sony will no longer give away free PS3 and PS Vita games for PS Plus members. If you subscribe to PS Plus primarily for those free titles, you’ll want to turn off your subscription’s auto-renewal option or cancel it then.
PlayStation Plus Games For January 2019
- Steep
- Portal Knights
- Fallen Legion: Flames of the Rebellion (also on PS Vita)
- Zone of the Enders HD Collection
- Amplitude
PS Vita
- Fallen Legion: Flames of the Rebellion (also on PS4)
- Super Mutant Alien Assault
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