Tamoor Hussain's Most Anticipated Game of 2019: Resident Evil 2 Remake

By On 21 Dec, 2018 At 08:00 PM | Categorized As Gamespot | With 0 Comment

With 2019 right around the corner, we’ve polled GameSpot’s staff to find out what games they are looking forward to most in the new year. To be eligible, a game must simply have a release date currently planned for 2019. Of course, we all know nothing is set in stone; there’s always a chance some games could slip into 2020. When you’re done reading this entry, follow along with all of our other end-of-the-year coverage collected in our Best of 2018 hub.

As a longtime fan of Resident Evil that had felt let down by the fifth and sixth entries in the series, Resident Evil 7 was a welcome return to form. It showed that, when it wanted to, Capcom could deliver a heart-pounding survival-horror experience that is worthy of the Resident Evil name. From top to bottom, Resident Evil 7 was a masterful execution of the genre, and it seems Capcom is readying another expertly crafted Resi experience with the remake of the second game.

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The star of the show, based on what I’ve played, seems to be the Tyrant/Mr. X, a seemingly unstoppable force of nature that stalks the halls of Racoon City’s Police Department, and who is ever advancing on you. The sheer terror of turning a corner or peering down a hallway and seeing his towering silhouette emerge into view was, in the moment, overwhelming. But even after time has passed, memories of that monstrous pursuer are still hair-raising. He leaves a lasting impression, and for fans of survival horror that is a very enticing prospect.

Capcom has pulled the entire experience apart and tinkered with it to heighten the horror, tension, and action

Of course, Resident Evil 2 Remake offers more than just a trenchcoat-wearing terror to get excited about. The gunplay feels snappy in a way modern games should, but at the same time you’re not overly empowered by it. Instead, it’s a means for getting out of sticky situation, as opposed to wiping out any and all zombies that appear in front of you. Puzzles, meanwhile, are also present, giving the thinkers among the Resi fanbase plenty of food for thought. And based on early impressions it all feels well balanced and paced. If what I played is representative of the overall experience, Resident Evil 2 Remake could be special.

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