Locked Character Roster In Smash Bros. Ultimate Raises Concerns About Tournament Play

An organiser’s nightmare.

For the majority of players, unlocking new fighters in Super Smash Bros. games is an exciting process. In the case of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Switch, it’s got some players concerned about tournament play. Due to the sizable roster of 70 fighters currently available in the game, unless you’re resorting to particular methods to unlock each of these characters as fast as possible, it’s going to take a while before you can play as every single one of them.

Some of the game’s fanbase finds this to be a worrying sign for lower-end tournaments, that might not have Nintendo officials present to presumably unlock every character in the game with their magical powers. A user by the name of ‘KillstealWolf’ on ResetEra, raised the potential problem tied to tournament play, that could make these types of events a nightmare for organisers, who would potentially have to unlock characters across multiple units for larger-sized events:

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

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