Review: Mother Russia Bleeds – A Tepid Beat 'Em Up That's Big On Gore But Low On Gratification

Wince and repeat.

Like most things from the late ’80s and early ’90s, the 2D side-scrolling beat ’em up is no longer particularly cool or relevant. Sure, a certain type of ageing nostalgist (guilty as charged) will get excited about Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle or Streets of Rage 4, but the kids have long since moved on to something else. And let’s face it, the kids were probably right to. To genre outsiders, your average side-scrolling beat ’em up is shallow, repetitive and deeply dumb – and Mother Russia Bleeds is nothing if not an average side-scrolling beat ’em up, with an extra side order of unpleasantness.

You could always rely on the beat ’em up greats to insert a brief splash of colourful cartoon violence into a drab afternoon. Your muscle-bound hero may have been laying into a group of goons with a length of pipe, but the likes of Final Fight and Streets of Rage had all the grit and cynicism of an ’80s cartoon. Mother Russia Bleeds takes a rather different approach. It’s self-consciously dark and ‘Mature’. That’s ‘Mature’ as in the old cinematic rating, rather than the non-capitalised sense of the word, with the kind of hyper-violent flavour and obsession with grimy dystopia that only a mopey teenager would view as ‘adult’.

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