Review: R-Type Dimensions EX – Two Arcade Classics For The Price Of One
Irem-emember you.
The shoot ’em up genre is the very definition of ‘easy to learn, hard to master’. At its core it’s probably easier to explain than any other type of game: move around and shoot things, job done. Despite this, most shoot ’em ups tend to be extremely difficult. Whether it’s because their roots are based in the arcades – where games were designed to eat up coins like Hungry Hungry Hippos – or simply out of pure cruelty, it’s fair to say that the vast majority of gamers world struggle to beat most shooters.
Irem’s R-Type and R-Type II are prime examples of this, having originally launched in the arcades too. While both are seminal works in the shoot ‘em up genre, there’s no denying they can be on the difficult side and making it past, say, the second boss in the original R-Type – let alone all eight – without getting your rump handed to you is quite the task. But while R-Type Dimensions EX does a good job of remastering both games for the devoted audience it’s mainly aimed at, it does an even better job of making it approachable for less experienced gamers, while still giving them something to play for.
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