Gwent's Thronebreaker Expansion Not Selling To Expectations, According To Publisher

By On 15 Nov, 2018 At 02:22 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

Thronebreaker, the recently-released single-player expansion for Gwent, isn’t selling as well as developer/publisher CD Projekt Red had hoped, and part of that may be due to the storefront it chose to debut on.

The expansion, which takes the card-battling minigame from The Witcher 3 and builds a brand new game and storyline around it, didn’t release on Steam, as developer/publisher CD Projekt Red opted to make it exclusive to its own storefront, GoG. That may have caused it to underperform relative to expectations, according CD Projekt Red co-CEO Adam Kiciński.

“The initial period [of sales] may not have lived up to our initial expectations,” Kiciński told investors in a conference call yesterday. He then pivoted to talking to the main reason why that may have been the case: GoG simply is nowhere near as popular as Steam, the main PC storefront these days. “The game appeared on GoG first for fairly straightforward reasons,” he said. “GOG is our priority platform and we wanted to release the game there first to gamers who support us there. However, the reach of GOG is incomparably smaller than that of Steam.”

Kiciński then quickly mentioned that the game is now available on Steam, and will be hitting consoles next month. Because of this, and the continuing popularity of the Witcher brand, he expects it to sell “for many years to come.”

For our part, we thought Thronebreaker did a great job of combining the card game with the gritty storytelling fans have come to expect from the series, and you can find out why in our review.

[Source: CD Projekt Red via]

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