Watch Costume Quest Cartoon's Main Title Sequence

By On 1 Nov, 2018 At 02:36 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

Frederator Studios, creators of Adventure Time, are getting ready to premiere their cartoon version of Costume Quest in 2019. To give us a taste of their vision for Double Fine’s game about kids’ Halloween antics, they’ve unveiled the show’s main title sequence.

The video quickly introduces the heroes, four ordinary-looking children that gain extraordinary powers after donning some quirky costumes. Keeping with the 2010 game’s Halloween inspired theme, the children face down a horde of enemies ranging from a scary Headless Horseman to a comical merman.

While the show was originally slated to release in this year, it has been moved back and will premiere as an Amazon Prime Video Original in 2019. If you’re interested in checking out one of the games before Costume Quest’s animated debut, you can read our review of Costume Quest 2 here.

[Source: Youtube]

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