Review: Just Dance 2019 – More Songs Than Ever Before, But A Few Bum Notes As Well
Back to basics?
For some, the month of October means Halloween or the chilly autumn air, the build-up to the holidays or finally settling in to the new school year; for Ubisoft, this time of year means it’s time to release yet another entry into the Just Dance franchise – a tradition which has now been going strong for ten years. If you’ve already got a handful of the previous nine titles (or over 20 if you count the spin-off games, too), you’ll probably be wondering whether or not this latest effort is worth the upgrade. Luckily, that’s what we’re here for.
As you might expect, the core aspect of the game is exactly the same as it always has been; you must follow the on-screen dancers move-for-move, strutting your stuff to a collection of popular hits as you carefully step over your mildly annoyed cat and try not to trip over the carpet. Your efforts are tracked by the Joy-Con in your hand, with each movement earning you a number of points (and eventually a star rating) determined by your accuracy.
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