Fortnitemares Has Begun

By On 24 Oct, 2018 At 02:22 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

Fortnite’s Fortnitemares promotion has begun, bringing loot-dropping cube monsters to Battle Royale in a limited time event as part of a larger 6.20 patch.

The event brings with it new weapons (the Six Shooter, Fiend Hunter crossbow), the reactive Deadfire outfit that changes the better you do in a match, and new sets of challenges with new rewards such as the Dark Engine Glider.

Earlier today Epic reported matchmaking problems and disabled Fortnitemares in Battle Royale, so check the Epic status page in case of any future issues.

Fortnitemares is also coming to Save the World with the Vlad Moon Rising questline featuring past Fortnitemares heroes.

For more info on the event and update, head over to the official patch notes.

[Source: Epic Games (1), (2)]

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