Weekend Warrior – This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us

By On 20 Oct, 2018 At 02:03 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

The Game Informer editors are trying to play a ton of games before Red Dead Redemption II releases next Friday. The nostalgia bug is going around, and Dark Souls: Remastered on Switch is on a lot of people’s minds. We’re all definitely still making time to create new gaming memories, though. Return of the Obra Dinn, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Soulcalibur VI, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Spider-Man also appear on this weekend’s must-play list.

Let us know what you’re doing this weekend in the comments below!

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I’m continuing to push through Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, which I’m still loving. I feel bad, because I’ve been pouring all my time into Odyssey, which means I’ve neglected Forza Horizon 4. Maybe this weekend I’ll be able to carve some time out to play that and Soulcalibur VI, but I’ve also been getting the itch to start a replay of Breath of the Wild. Oh no.

Jill Grodt (@Finruin) – I need to clear my gaming plate now because Red Dead Redemption II is only one week away! So, this weekend I’m gorging myself on Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s DLC, The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon, and Return of the Obra Dinn. Also, because my eyes are bigger than my stomach, I want to sample a few recently released old favorites like Luigi’s Mansion, Dark Souls, and The Room. It’s possible I’ll bite off more than I can chew.

Javy Gwaltney – I’m attending my partner’s sister’s wedding this weekend! When I’m not getting caught up in those festivities, I’ll be journeying to land of ancient lords once more with the Switch version of Dark Souls.

Suriel Vasquez (@SurielVazquez) – It’s-a me, Wario, and I’mma gonna run the Haunted Forest until I get my Horror Story auto rifle! Then I’ll run up to that jerk Siegfried and use 1AB to mix him up, then 6AB to apply some more pressure before going for a throw. Wahahahah! Mega Man 11.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – My wife and I have gotten wrapped up in Attack on Titan, randomly, so we’ll keep exploring that rabbit hole. We just finished season two last night. I would also like to keep playing Dark Souls Switch, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on Google’s Project Stream, and also start Starlink somewhere in there. Of course, all that collapses once Red Dead Redemption II comes out, so I don’t know why I even bother.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – I’ll be traveling home this weekend, but I look forward to getting home and seeing my loved ones again: Black and Out. Have a good weekend!

Leo Vader (@leovader) – This weekend I will play Return of the Obra Dinn for however long it takes to beat it! I love games like that where 90% of the story happens in your head, just from figuring out how everything fits together. Many other hours will disappear thanks to Maple Story 2 which is ridiculously cute and satisfying! Then of course the customary Siege, despite the current weird bug where “5 v 0” pops up inaccurately 10 times a match. HAGS!

Jeff Cork – I’m getting over a cold (hopefully?), which gives me an excuse not to leave the house. After I’m done getting my weekly loot crates in Overwatch, I’m going to shift over to Spider-Man and see if I can’t run through the story at a reasonable clip. My oldest kid just beat it, and I can tell it’s causing him physical discomfort to not shower me with spoilers. After that, I’m going to play some Warriors Orochi 4, because I’m one of those maniacs who likes those games. So there!

JP Gemborys (@JPGemborys) – I’m gonna try to evolve my Grotle into a Torterra, listen to hip hop, and write stuff. Maybe break down and buy a Nintendo Switch because my inability to play games here in Minnesota is becoming unbearable.

Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) – I’m working my way through the big holiday games. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 are just the tip of the iceberg. When I’m not playing, I hope to start up that scary Netflix show, Haunting of Hill House. I heard it’s making people vomit and pass out. That sounds like a great Saturday night to me!

Joe Juba (@Joejuba) – Now that I’ve had my fill of ancient Greece in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, I’m finally putting some significant time into Spider-Man. This game is up my alley in a way I was not expecting, and it just continues to amaze me at every turn. So, when I’m not taking care of my two sick dogs, I’ll be swinging from skyscrapers this weekend.

Imran Khan (@imranzomg) – Hey, true believers! This weekend, I am cleaning up the remaining trophies in Spider-Man and going to try and resist the urge to go through new game+ on a harder difficulty. As soon as I finish this, I’m going to make the tough decision whether to start Dragon Quest XI or just wait for Red Dead without a 100-hour RPG hanging around my neck. I’m also going to finish watching Haunting of Hill House but this time I won’t watch five episodes in a row right before bed. Ex-excelsior?

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM) – This weekend I hope to get more time in Call of Duty. I’ve played 10 solo matches of Blackout so far, and have finished everywhere from #87 to #2. Coincidentally my enjoyment/frustration with the game has also swung just as widely. I may also try to jump back into Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and take some more ridiculous pictures of my shenanigans.

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