Skybound CEO Wants The Walking Dead Finale To Be Entirely Developed By Former Telltale Staff

By On 19 Oct, 2018 At 02:57 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

With Telltale having closed and laid off its staff, The Walking Dead’s incomplete final season hangs over a lot of the news for fans of the series. While Skybound confirmed they would be finishing the story out, the question of how exactly they would bring in the terminated Telltale staff to fix it was still important, and reminds people of the human cost behind their favorite games.

It did not take long for this subject to come up when Skybound CEO Ian Howe held an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit yesterday. While he did not go into specific detail about how he plans to bring in Telltale developers to finish the game, he was clear about how much of the team would be comprised of former Telltale employees.

“The plan is for it to be staffed 100% by former Telltale staff,” he answered. “The only time we’d look elsewhere is if we can’t fill a particular role from former TT people.”

Howe also added that he has been in contact with “most, if not all” of The Walking Dead team, but this is not confirmation that all of them are willing or able to return. Presumably, some degree of the team have plans that are incompatible with Skybound’s intentions to continue development.

There is no timeframe for the remainder of The Walking Dead: The Final Season, though the first two episodes are still for sale.

[Source: Gamasutra]


While the idea of going back and finishing a project I was working on sounds good, hopefully those who were laid off find a more permanent and agreeable solution than/after this. This is one of those situations where no one is really in the wrong right now, but things could definitely be way better.

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