Watch 37 Minutes Of Gameplay From Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

By On 18 Oct, 2018 At 10:57 AM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales started out as the single-player campaign for Gwent: The Card Game, but has since morphed into its own stand-alone title. Gwent, the surprisingly popular competitive card game designed for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, pits two players representing rival political factions against each other. The game began as a side activity for players taking a break from monster hunting, but, due to overwhelming fan interest, Gwent soon took on a life of its own.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales will include a detailed story supported by the competitive card game’s mechanics. Not sure what a narrative-driven game built around Gwent looks like? You can check out a whole bunch of gameplay below.

 Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales releases October 24 for PC and the console launch will come later on December 4. You can read up on our coverage of the game’s initial release announcement here.

[Source: Youtube]

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