RetroCollect Secret Santa 2016: Registrations Now Open

By On 27 Sep, 2016 At 03:13 AM | Categorized As Classic | With Comments Off on RetroCollect Secret Santa 2016: Registrations Now Open

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“Is it that dreaded time of the year again?!” I hear you complain as you feel the dreaded Xmas strain of your already tight retro gamer wallet. Well fear not my good chums for it is the RetroCollect Secret Santa time once more! Flatapex has been doing a wonderful job over the past few years making sure the Xmas elves have been delivering you care packages from all over the world filled to the brim with games, merch, toys and all sorts of rubbish Japanese games.. ahem.. well received goodies!

Once again we already have returning stalwarts in the bag who always deliver the fun times and some new members too! If you would like to take part, head on over to the forums (see link below), read the forum post rules (we have to be a stickler on this stuff as it makes everything easier for us all) and register your interest. You will give us a wishlist of suitable items that you would like and get someone else’s wishlist in return. Before you know it you will have a mystery box under the tree in time for the big day! 

Who knows what tat… errr ‘quality gifted items’ (edit – Santa) you will get?! Will it be Super Mario RPG? Sonic socks? Hitler the game? The possibilities are numerously above average!

It is all about spreading some Xmas cheer – not everyone will get retro gamey goodness this year, so let’s fix that with your help! So what are you waiting for? Click on the link and join in the fun with STILL the greatest gaming community on the internet! Any questions, hit up the forum or leave a comment.

Join up to RetroCollect Secret Santa 2016


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