Naruto Powerful Shippuden – Debut Trailer

By On 9 Feb, 2013 At 02:30 PM | Categorized As Featured, Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

Naruto: Powerful Shippuden brings gamers a side-scrolling action fighting game with an anime twist. Based off of the Naruto spin-off Rock Lee & His Ninka Pals as well as Naruto Shippuden, this game allows players to take the role of either whisker-faced Naruto Uzumaki or bushy-eyebrowed Rock Lee and enjoy lively ninja missions directly based off of their animated storylines.

Rock Lee’s eyebrows aren’t the only things that are oversized in Naruto: Powerful Shippuden. The comical animations in the game feature oversized caricature heads and humorous on-screen expressions and actions designed to entertain and appeal to gamers of all ages. The pick-up-and-play gameplay allows even casual and young gamers to enjoy busting out flashy moves and special attacks throughout the game’s various stages. Players will be able to take the ninja brawl from the training fields to the forests to the mountains during both night and day.

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