Tales of the Abyss Nintendo 3DS

By On 19 Jan, 2012 At 04:02 PM | Categorized As Gameinformer | With 0 Comment

Tales of the Abyss ventures out into the third dimension with this 3DS remake of the 2005 entry in Namco’s popular Tales series. The game takes place in a world where prophecies clue people in to future happenings. Tales of the Abyss boasts a revolutionary new free roaming battle system allowing players to move anywhere on the battlefield, a first in the Tales series which brings new depth to the intense, high-action battles that Tales games are knows for.

Tales of the Abyss follows the story of the young aristocrat, Luke fon Fabre. Kidnapped seven years ago, Luke returns to his family with no memories of his life before. Suddenly, Luke is thrust into the outside world and caught in the workings of the Order of Lorelei and the Oracle Knights who serve as keepers of the prophecy known as the Score. He must learn of the power of friendship and feel the pain of sacrifice. Luke’s actions could save the world or destroy it.


Fonons. Essential components of all matter on planet Auldrant.
Ages ago, a new type of fonon was discovered — the Seventh Fonon. Its discovery threw humanity into chaos, for if one could use the Seventh Fonon, one could learn the future. Wars over the Seventh Fonon raged across the lands, ending only when the miasma — a poison from within the planet — covered the entire world. This is when Yulia appeared.
A fonist skilled in prophecy, Yulia saw thousands of years into the future and foresaw a way to seal away the miasma. With the guidance of her prophecies, humanity sealed the miasma deep within the planet.
Over two thousand years passed.
The world is ruled by Yulia’s prophecy, known as the Score. People believe in the coming “unprecedented prosperity” promised in the Score, never straying from the path set forth in the Score which will lead them to that prosperity. They look to the Score as revealed by the Order of Lorelei, the religion Yulia founded, and hold that the greatest virtue is to follow the Score faithfully.
Yulia’s Score tells of a young man who is necessary in order to bring “unprecedented prosperity.” His name is Luke fon Fabre. An heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, he was kidnapped as a child by the kingdom’s enemy, the Malkuth Empire. Since his return he has been confined to his family’s manor for his own safety. He has No idea of the evil that now draws close.
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