
X-Link Cable
Compatible with HALO
and all other 2 player 
X-Box Games

The X-Link cable connects two Xbox
consoles together to enable head-to-
head gameplay on any Xbox compatible
2 player game.
Look for system-link support on game
packages.  For up to 8 player action on
games like Halo and others.
Connect 2 Xbox systems to 2 tv's, put
identical software in each Xbox and
connect your X-Link between the 2 Xbox
consoles in the appropriate plug on the
Xbox.  Then turn your tv's and Xbox
consoles on.  Follow the on screen menu
of that particular game you wish to play.
You will need 2 TV's, 2 Xbox consoles,
2 of the same software game and 1 X-link
cable to do this.

Compatible with HALO
and all other 2 player X-Box
Connect 2 X-box Systems 
together and play any 2 player
X-box game on 2 seperate
monitors or TV's.