Are you interested in trading your games for CASH??
Then check out the Price List below.  Gather Your Games Together and Send them to

Player's Choice
Attn: Trade Department
140 Westwood Village Drive
Clemmons, NC 27012

Don’t have Any cash right now? or just have old games sitting around, then you can TRADE US YOUR OLD GAMES OR DVDs!!  You can have cold hard cash in Your pocket as early as next week.   We give a certain dollar amount for Almost Every Video Game there is!  See the trade values below!



Here are the values we will give you for each of the games you send us.
These prices are for any game, we don’t even care which ones unless it says otherwise! (We accept ALL games that are not sports or Super Mario 1 or Duck Hunt!) 

Category Cash Value
DVDs $4.00 per DVD with case
NES $2 per Cart
$3 per Complete Game
GENESIS or 32X $1.75 per Cart
$2.25 per Complete Game
GAMEBOY $3 per Cart
$4 per Complete Game
$5 per Complete Game
GAMEBOY ADVANCE  $5.50 per cart
$8 per Complete Game
SNES $2 off per Cart
$3 off per Complete Game
PS1 $1 per CD
$2.50 per CD with Case and Instructions
N64 $3 per Cart
$4.50 per Complete Game
Game Gear $1.75 per Cart
$2.75 per Complete Game
Virtual Boy $2.50 per Cart
$4 per Complete Game
Sega Saturn $1 per CD
$2.50 per CD with Case and Instructions
PS2 $8-$20 Depending on Game
Xbox $8-$20 Depending on Game
Game Cube $8-$20 Depending on Game


Trading Old Games Or DVDs – Certified Company Check is Sent to You, as soon as your trades are received!

Send to address below:

Player's Choice
Attn: Trade Department
140 Westwood Village Drive
Clemmons, NC 27012

You can send one or one hundred and get a ton off money.

We also accept accessories of all kinds at various prices. (All types of controllers get $0.75 for systems earlier than PS1 and $1.75 for PS1 and later systems, $4 a controller for PS2, Gamecube, or Xbox)
Or if you have any other game or video game systems you want a quote for, just ask us! …we accept just about EVERYTHING (Atari, Neo Geo, Jaguar, ect!!!)  After many requests we will accept sports games, but we can only give 25 cents per game.