After the enigmatic deaths of an American scientific expedition in the
uncharted and frozen wastelands of the Antarctic, a military rescue team is
sent to investigate their deaths. Within these inhospitable surroundings the
team encounters a strange shape-shifting alien life-form that assumes the
appearance of people that it kills. 
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Playstation 2 Page

* Taking place shortly after the events seen in the 1982 film - The Thing takes us back to
the Antarctic base and familiar locals from the film for a terrifying, new chapter of isolation
and paranoia. 

* Advanced trust/fear interface adds a new dimension to the genre - How you influence
non-player characters (NPCs) psychological state determines whether or not these
characters will cooperate with you. · Amazing lighting, weather and particle effects
complemented by subtle sound cues and scripted events create a new level of suspense
and terror. 

* Unique combat system that allows weapons to be customized and scratch built in many

* Puzzle Solving can be accomplished by a multitude of scenarios - there is never just one
way to accomplish an objective. 

* Varied pace of gameplay throughout the game, blending action, puzzles, horror and
human interaction. 

The game brings fear and suspense to unimaginable levels, with a
compelling plot and unique gameplay elements based upon action, evasion,
trust and fear. Forget everything you ever learned about obliterating alien
species simply with a barrage of violent ammunition - this monster is
difficult to see, hard to kill, and seemingly impossible to evade. 

Do you have any information or facts about this videogame?  If you do, we would love to here from you.  Submit it below, and if it is good, we will post it on this site.
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