AUTHENTIC KUNG-FU ACTION send them flyin' with moves like the 
leopard pounce and the monkey roll. 
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Playstation Page
20 Beautifully animated levels. 
Strut through sweeping rivers and bamboo forest on your  quest to deafeat the dragon
Legendary Animal Clans
Take on foes inspired by Chinese legend-from muscle bound snakes to ferocious wild boar.
Over 75 Character Moves
unleash your tiger attacks and  chi power. Then finish them off with thrashing claws and razor 
sharp teeth.

Bobbie on Sunday, May 7, 19100 at 02:56:11
Up to final level in taifu...but cannot jump over the crevice where he is in the snow. Have managed to kill all the enemies 
up until that point, but cannot jump crevice because I keep dying.  Have used hover, but he dies before he lands.  What 
is the trick to getting to the other side?  Have completed 80% of the game and refuse to give up so would
really appreciate it if someone could respond with some answers.
Kalle  on Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 14:20:59
Tai Fu is my favorite game to my playstation. I´ve killed the last boss three times now it´s really really fun. The hardest of the 
bosses is the rat pirate because when he´s red you have to run across the boat to get a barrel and toss it at him........ 
Elias Kapari  on Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 04:18:23
Hello!!  I like tai fu alot, but there a problem...The other snow level: There are wind-storm and i cannot get trought it.....please help me!!!
Sam Costelloe  on Sunday, September 5, 1999 at 01:43:04
Why is that when you beat the game you are able to keep playing?
Mok Cool  on Monday, August 16, 1999 at 20:45:25
This is an awsome game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Debug Mode
Start a game and finish any level to access the map screen. While there, press SELECT + L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to open the
Debug mode.

Level Select
Between the levels, during the walking animation, press R1+R2. You should then be able to walk freely. When you reach the
level you want, press Square to enter.