Enter the dark world of Mike LeRoi. Voodoo
hero. Dead man, ShadowMan. This is more
than just another action/adventure game.
Travel between two worlds -- Liveside and
Deadside and gather Voodoo artifacts in order
to solve the mysteries of Deadside.
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Dreamcast Page

Welcome to the Deadside 

Shadow Man springs from the pages of a comic book, but to describe this 
third-person shooter from Acclaim as comical would be a grave mistake. 
Shadowman fearlessly explores the darkest corners of psychotic human 
minds, in what will likely be the most ghoulishly disturbing title on the system. 
As a result, players who become squeamish while hunting undead serial killers 
may want to think twice before entering this world ruled by voodoo and 
populated with practitioners of black magic. 

Thanks to its comic book origins, where accidental infusion of super-human 
powers became cliche long ago, the story surrounding Shadow Man is refreshingly 

Cab driver Mike Le Roi unwittingly gets wrapped up in Mob business, and the 
ruthless gangsters show their disapproval by murdering his entire family (martyrdom 
is also becoming commonplace in the new wave of comic heroes, but not yet a cliche). 

Seeking vengeance, Mike acquires the assistance of a voodoo princess, who implants 
a spiritual mask in his chest. Le Roi is then transformed into Shadowman, and is 
granted the power to travel between the world of the living and the psycho-infested 

Playing as Mike Le Roi, you must hunt five serial killers in the Liveside, and transform 
into Shadowman to eliminate the murderers in the Deadside. The game is loaded with 
over 40 graphic cut-scenes and plenty of voice samples to maximize the gloomy effect. 

Acclaim plans to include 16 levels, set in locations such as a Texas prison and a New 
York Tenement. The developers actually received the official blueprints of the London 
Underground before beginning work on a spooky environment set in the city's submerged 
tunnels. The areas will take on new appearances and characteristics as Shadowman 
crosses from the Liveside to the Deadside. 

The nonlinear gameplay will involve heavy exploration and complex puzzle solving, often 
requiring players to backtrack throughout levels to complete tasks. Acclaim anticipates 
that most players will require 70 hours to complete the game, and they have included 
multiple endings which vary according to the player's performance. 

Shadowman will have the ability to fire two different weapons at once, and will be able to 
aim each weapon at a different target. Similar to the device used in The Legend of Zelda: 
Ocarina of Time, Shadowman can 'lock on' to enemies and circle around them while 
attacking. Players will be able to control the camera during gameplay to provide the best 
view of the action. 

With its haunting environments and gruesome cast of characters,  Shadowman is shaping 
up to be an engrossing game with plenty of other-worldly action. This intriguing adventure
is scheduled to cross over to the Liveside this Summer. 

Big Head Mode
When you get to "Asylum: Playrooms," go to the cell section where the pool table and playpen are 
located. On one side of that hallway are five cell doors. Simply enter the middle cell and the "Secret 
Unlocked" message appears. A new option will appear on the Main Menu entitled "Secrets." Select it 
and your cheat should be there. This cheat gives Shadow Man a big head. 

Deadside Shotguns
Go to the Temple of Life in the Wasteland. Make your way to where you get the baton. Go to the alters 
and keep pressing action at different ones. When you get it right the message “Secret unlocked” will flash 
on your screen. 

Disco Mode
Get the gads which allow you to walk on lava. Go to the Cathedral of Pain by means of the trolley. Either 
take the door on your left or go through the doors at the other end of the room and jump in the large hole. 
Either way you will get to a large room of lava. If you took the door take a left out and head down the halll 
of lava till you get to another hall with rotating spikes on a pole which you can get on top of if you run to the 
end. Run down the top of the pole and you will see a new area with some pigmen. Look around in here to 
find the cheat to give you Disco Mode.

Engine Block Shutdown Codes
In order to shut down the pistons in the Asylum: Engine Block level, you need to use the Engineer's Key along 
with the proper combination code. The codes can be found in Jack's Journal, which you receive at the very 
beginning of the Down Street Station: London level where you go after Jack the Ripper. For those of you who 
don't want to look them up up in Jack's Journal, here are the combination codes for each of the four pistons. 
The numbers below refer to the liquid level you need to set for each of the three tubes you find at a piston location. 

Piston: Level
1:   5, 5, 5
2:   1, 2, 4
3:   3, 1, 2
4:   2, 4, 5

Gameshark Codes
999 Cadeaux  6A8B67B1000003E7 
Infinite 9mm Ammo  7085DFF2000003E7 
Infinite Violator Ammo  1E641A61000003E7 
Infinite Shotgun Shells  D6988F2F00000063 
Accumulator  3661289200000003 
Asson  C8ABEB2D00000003 
Baton  82A381D500000003 
Book Of Shadows  A9435D4400000003 
Calabash  9008062200000003 
Engineers Key  82D381D500000003 
Enseigne  70C5DFD700000003 
Flambeau  D7D88F0A00000003 
Flashlight  5FF77B8200000003 
Handgun  1F241A4400000003 
Key Card  A9935D4400000003 
L'Eclipser: La Lame  31F1289200000003 
L'Eclipser: La Soleil  FE199A5300000003 
Marteau  36B1289200000003 
MP 909  7785DFD700000003 
Prism  77F5DFD700000003 
Retractor  FEA99A5300000003 
Shotgun  6BCB679400000003 
Shotgun 2  CFEBEB2D00000003 
SMG  F9E99A5300000003 
Spare  58B77B8200000003 
Teddy Bear  D7688F0A00000003 
The Prophecy  46BA131C00000003 
Violator  F9599A5300000003 
Jack's Journal  5F877B8200000003 

Pea Soup Mode
Go to the Temple of fire. Get to the blood pool. Find the room with the ramp going up the left side of it and 
then coming to another bigger ramp which leads to a button. Look to the left and you will see a opening in 
the wall. Jump on the railing a little above straight with the door. Then jump and you should be able to grab 
on to the edge and pull yourself up. When you get it right the message "Secret unlocked" will flash on your 
screen. This may take a few tries but it will work. 

Play as Nettie
Go to Mordant St. NY. Follow the hallways until you get to a lever pull it and the lights will come on. Go 
to the elevator and go to the third floor. Look for a floor panel that is brown. Jump as far as you can over 
and jump again. You must do this the first time to get “Secret unlocked” to flash across your screen. Use 
the bear if you fell through to warp back there and try again. 

Play as a dog
Go to the Asylum: Gateway Then jump down to the left path by the door. Follow it and you will eventually 
come to a room with a Govi and some boxes. Climb the boxes and get on the rafters. Jump to the second 
then third. When you get it right the message “Secret unlocked” will flash on your screen. 

Shadowpower Chart
The following chart shows the number of Souls you need in order to increase your Shadowpower level: 

Shadowpower: # Souls
1:   1
2:   3
3:   7
4:   15
5:   23
6:   35
7:   51
8:   71
9:   95
10:  120

Lorna  on Monday, October 1, 2001 at 13:37:49
How do I get the final 4 govis from the A: playrooms (2), The Temple of Blood naga (1)on a high shelf, 
and Lavaducts(1).  The final two screen shots after Asylumn: undercity (screen shot).


Jason  on Thursday, July 5, 2001 at 21:28:13
The engineers key is in the asylum:gateway which u would need 7 souls to have enough shadowpower 
to get there u go into the big ass room where u see the big ass building u hop down to ur right and just
follow the path all the way to the cells and then u will find the key.
MARCELO  on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 10:53:35
Spencer  on Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 17:49:33
I have a question.  How do you kill the fat guy with the machine/grenade gun?  If you could e-mail me 
as soon as possible I'd be grateful.  Thanks!
Martha  on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 14:32:46
I am looking for the engineer's key but I donn't understard where is it. Can you tell me exactly where is this key

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