Sega CD

It seemed like such a good idea... and for a while, it was. Sega wasn't the first to bring CD 
technology to the American market -- that would have been NEC with its Turbo CD. But it 
was the first to make the technology stick.  The Sega CD was introduced as an add-on to 
the highly successful Genesis that would play games, as well as music and CD+Graphics 
discs.  My roomate bought one.  It was pretty cool back then.  The  really good games were 
the the RPG's.
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Do you have any information or facts about this videogame system?
If you do, we would love to here from you.  Submit it on our Sega CD Forum

Dwayne  Wed, 5 Jun 2002
sewer shark is the coollest game ever made .can't wait to play it!!
 Johnboy  Wed, 29 May 2002
I have had my mega cd(uk name) since it was first released!.It takes pride of place in my study along with the more recent
dreamcast console,I have quite a few games for it now but I still look on ebay to see if there is any which I do not
have.The only problem I have is not with the system but with the cd cases,why do they break so easily,does anyone know
where these cases can be purchased? as I need quite a few including the large type cd case.HELP!!!!!!!!!
Anthony   Sat, 20 Apr 2002
I love Sega CD's and Genesis. Even being so old, they are so much fun to play. Sadly, my mother pawned mine a few years
back. I miss it so much. If anyone has any info as to where I can find one reasonably priced, please contact me. Thanks
Sergio Wicks  Sun, 14 Apr 2002
Even though the system was 16bit it was still a step up in the gaming world. Sonic CD kicked @$$ and lunar was probably the
best rpg ever. Sucks that sega lost all of the systems. I had every single system sega made. From master to dreamcast.
Maybe sega will come back with games for all of its old systems and kill sony and nintendo once and for all. Sega is the
goku of the gaming world!!
Mikey  Fri, 12 Apr 2002
i love collecting classics sega and snk really had some great games my favorite for sega cd was bram stokers dracula 1992
eye of the beholder 
LoSt BoY
I LOVE Sega CD,I am trying to collect all the games made for it and im getting pretty close. 
I even have a web site/shrine dedicated to Sega CD.


Robert  on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 20:58:07
I still like playing the sega cd even to this day. Out of all the games my favorites where Vay and Double 
Switch. If it wasn't for the game Vay I probably wouldn't be playing any RPG type games at all. It was 
the first game I played on it and I still play it today. I think that it is a shame that they wont put it on to 
any other systems so other people can play it and see how good of a game it was. I like the old 
school type graphics of vay more than the 3D ones you see know. I goes to show that with Vay you 
don't need graphics to have a very good game.
MOHAMMED ZAYED N. AL-OTAIBY  on Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 23:14:33
It`s hard to belief Always good systems die
I miss all my Sega systems snif ..snef ..WAAAAAAAAAAAA
Brad Johnston  on Saturday, January 20, 2001 at 23:27:04
I've recently heard information about a very-little known Sega CD game that was untitled and previously 
available off of Sony's website. I have heard very questionalble things about this game, but sources are 
trusted. Have you ever heard anything about an "untitled" or "no name" Sega CD game? I believe it is a
3 or 4 cd set...the things I have heard about this are very strange. Any information you might have would 
be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
John Cooper  on Monday, December 11, 2000 at 05:45:53
I'd like to throw my two cents into the old cd video game realm. I had a Sega cd system and yes it was 
pretty cool. On the other hand I also had a Turbo Duo and that system (without the help of major third 
party developers carried much better games that the Sega cd.) I understand too that a downfall of the 
Duo was also that they released some of the crappier games available at the time. In the long run though 
when NEC released a good game it was spectacular. The sega cd was pretty boring. Just look back and 
realize that the PC Engine in Japan was the real company to give Nintendo competition. 
Cory Heath on Friday, October 27, 2000 at 21:28:32
JVC also released a version of the Sega CD.It was a Sega Genesis and a Sega CD all in one.It was 
only in the US for a very short time and is VERY hard to find.
Knuckles  on Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 15:40:49
This system was a dream come true at the time of its' inception, before everyone was choked to death with 
poorly produced FMV games. It was capable of scalable sprites and some limited polygons that were unheard 
of at the time. One of the best, albiet dated show pieces for this system is the much vaulted Silpheed. This 
system was unfortunately priced and quite fragile upon its' initial release which I am certain helped spell its' 
enevitable demise. The second release, although much more streamlined and competitively priced game too 
late in the machines lifecycle to save it from obscurity. This coupled with some major misfires soured the already 
skeptical market. Some gems from this were, Lunar, Silpheed, Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Dune, Ecco the Dolphin, 
Mortal Kombat, Leathal Enforcers. If you liked FMV games, Farenheit was interesting as was the 'risque' Night Trap. 
By the time of the release of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch make your own music video I was already primed 
for something new. Entropy comes for us all and unfortunately some bad decisions by Sega the Saturn release that 
was very shortly after the 32X launch brought the big 'S' to its' knees. 

(sniff) I miss my Sega CD. 

C Fischbach  on Friday, June 2, 2000 at 18:05:46
For a very short time, they released a system that was a little bigger than a conventional CD player called the 
CD-X which was a Genesis system combined with a Sega CD.

BTW, my favorite game was Vay and I'm saddened to see it out of stock

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