Kayley's dream to become a Knight of the Round Table
comes true sooner than expected when the evil knight, Ruber,
kidnaps her mother and steals Excalibur.  As Kayley, can you
stop Ruber's scheme to overthrow King Arthur and rule Camelot
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Gameboy Page
Based on the Warner Bros. animated feature-length film,
"Quest for Camelot."
Action / Adventure style gameplay.
9 worlds and over 60 areas
Collect weapons, items, and learn new fighting techniques
Each world is an exciting new adventure
Save your progress at any time
Use the Game Boy Printer to print cinematic scenes

Julian   GUIMONT@wanadoo.fr  on Thursday, August 17, 19100 at 14:30:55
I looked everywhere and I can't find the horse.  Please HELP ME!!!!!!!
Anonomys () on Tuesday, August 1, 19100 at 21:37:18
To kill the carnivorous plant, carefully stick the magical stick in its mouth and slice it up with 
your sword. You may die the first time but don't give up you'll get it eventually 
Dave Moore dave@the-hornets.com on Monday, July 31, 19100 at 16:23:08
HELP I CANT FIND THE MAGIC STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silke Brand  brand@abrand.myweb.nl  on Sunday, July 30, 19100 at 06:05:21
I can't get past the carnivorous plant. Who can help me?
Ik kom niet langs de vleesetende plant. Wie kan mij helpen?
Sarah  galliard@tough.com  on Wednesday, July 26, 19100 at 06:09:40
Please tell me how to kill the plant!! :(
Clever Clogs  aceddia@bigpond.net.au  on Monday, July 24, 19100 at 17:02:29
If you go to the tree which is by the other tree you will see a toilet and if you open it up the stupid magical stick
P.S i've never played on this game before
Diego  diegcol@tiscalinet.it  on Monday, June 12, 19100 at 13:47:26
Mariska  m.van.deijl@yellownet.nl  on Sunday, May 28, 19100 at 14:01:20
I'm stuck in the level with the bones. Every time when I step on them and walk to the gate it's 
already closed. CAN ANYBODY HELP ME!!!!?????
Star  monkeypod@zeeks.com  on Sunday, May 14, 19100 at 09:35:16
Help me beat the carnivorous plant! I have the magic stick but he still won't die! 
P.S. Every time I get close enough he kills me with his tail!
Ruth  forruths@aol.com  on Friday, May 5, 19100 at 04:05:36
Love the game but can't get past the evil plant!!!!  Help!!!
Donna  dfortune@aol.com  on Friday, April 28, 19100 at 13:03:17
How DO you kill the plant with the majic stick???
Tim  aceddia@bigpond.net.au  on Sunday, April 23, 19100 at 06:40:07
Where is this stupid magical stick its no where please help me i really need it
Santino  sansyl@swing.be  on Tuesday, April 18, 19100 at 04:06:13
I search eggs for the dragons? How many eggs are existing?
Stuck!  babs@ultra-host.net on Tuesday, March 7, 19100 at 02:41:28
PLEASE I NEED HELP!  I am at the wood golem and i got him in the trap...but 
what do i do after?  I am SO stuck!!

If you can help, email me.... Thanks!!

René  vdstok@gelrevision.nl  on Wednesday, March 1, 19100 at 03:58:24
Hey where do i find the horse to get through the wind ???? please mail me if you  know it
Dahni  spiritmom@earthlink.net  on Saturday, February 26, 19100 at 19:15:37
Hi Where is the horse?  Have dug holes and searched everywhere....how do you go into the houses with locks on them?
Jenni () on Wednesday, February 9, 19100 at 13:49:58
The horse can be found in the Forbidden Forest.  Go down from the town to the place where the giant stone sunburst 
pattern is.  Go south from the pattern.  When you get to the bottom, kill the snake and go all the way to the left.  walk 
up until you come to a hole in the trees.  Continue left and you will find the horse.  Make sure you have the turnip, otherwise
the horse will not come with you.  To get the dragon scale, go up from the starting point.  When you hit some trees turn right, 
and walk until you can go up again.  Then, turn left. Keep on going left and upwards until you come to an area with trees to the 
left and right, and swamp water to the right.  Keep to the edge of the swamp and walk down.  After a few steps, you will see a 
grove of bare trees with a golden dragon scale inside them.  Go left around the grove.  When you get to the left side of the grove, 
use your sword to chop down the the green tree on the left.  Walk into the grove and pick up the dragon scale.  The oval things 
lying around on the ground are eggs. Devon and Cornwall will ask you to find five of them.  The fifth egg can be found inside 
Devon and Cornwall's cave.  It is in the upper lefthand corner of the cave.  Once you have freed Devon and Cornwall from the 
knights, they will go with you and eat the plant blocking your way. 
Owen Stephens  Stephensfam@Bigpond.com  on Monday, January 31, 19100 at 14:12:20
HHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! Where do you get the magic stick? 
Norbert nassen01@yahoo.com  on Friday, January 28, 19100 at 16:41:37
I have a problem with a cave that is closed by iron bars . When I reached a  place with crossed bones the gate is open but 
when I run to the cave the  iron bars are always closed. Can anybody solve my problem ?
Confused  johnsona@westside.ugdsb.on.ca  on Saturday, January 8, 19100 at 20:18:50
Where is the horse??  I can't find him in the second level.  It looks like he is in a secret passage or 
something because he is not there.  WHERE IS HE???!!!
Ricardo  ricardomorandini@hotmail.com  on Monday, January 3, 19100 at 06:32:22
Where is the horse in the game? How to get it?
turbur@aol.com on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 20:16:46
I am stuck in the dragon area, I cant find any scales.please help.
Dallas  dmr@pobox.com  on Friday, December 3, 1999 at 08:03:12
PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!!!!!i am at the wood golem and i got him in the trap...but 
what do i do after??????????
Tancheefong  hotmail@sedi.com  on Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 23:58:15
How can u kill the plant with the magic stick??????
Tim Phillips  phillipsfam@erols.com  on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 03:00:25
Thanks for all of the help!  Eggs, eggs, eggs.  Of course.
Now, I'm still stuck in the level with Devon and Cornwall.  I've found them but I 
have only found 4 eggs.  Is one hiding somewhere?  I found the one on the island, the one by the
man-eating plant, the one in the bottom right hand corner of the original screen, and the one
in the top that you can only get to by jumping rocks.  I also have the dragon scale--Thanks to 
all who responded to me on that one!!
Also, I started up from the beginning, but could not find the compass this time.  Where is it?
Thanks again!
P.S.  I don't have a color gameboy and this is still a great game!
Scott   scottdavid13@net999.com  on Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 20:37:31
Please e-mail me if you know how to to do one or both of the following:
Get past the giant plant in the dragon country or how to find the dragon eggs.
Luke  satans_grotto@hotmail.com  on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 18:02:04
Hi i'm stuck on the bit where u have to find the horse to get through the winds ,cause i can't find it!
David Clouser iggy7@hotmail.com on Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 23:08:08
Hello, if anyone has any tips on this game, could you please email me? i need all the help i can get 
and i cant find anything out there on the web :)
Timothy E. Phillips phillipsfam@erols.com
The game I was talking about was/is Quest for Camelot.  I got the hens, by the way.  I was missing a cave.

Maybe you can help me with where I am now, however.  I am at the place where the dragons are.  I have picked up 
two of what I assume are dragon scales.  I can get around the lava pit to get by the man-eating flower, but he doesn't 
seem to want to take the magic stick so I can kill him and go up the ladder or whatever it is.  Also, I can see another 
dragon scale if I go up and to the right from Devon and Cornwall and mostly around the lava pit, but I can't seem to get 
around the lava pit.  Can I use the rocks in any way?  They don't seem to be close enough together to walk across them.
Also, Devon and Cornwall talk about a man roaming around here, but  I have as yet to find him.  What gives?
Thanks for any help, and feel free to use my first e-mail in a list of stupid questions you've received.  Hey, if we can't 
laugh at ourselves, how poor life would be.

Tim Phillips