Quake III Arena, the ultimate deathmatch experience. Quake III Arena will be unlike anything 
that has come before. Q3A features a completely rebuilt engine that adds gorgeous 3D arenas
to "frag" your opponents within, all new weapons & character models. 
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Prepare yourself for the best deathmatch experience in the universe. You'll never look at any other 
game again. The realtime shadows and lighting, the smooth vapor trails left behind by missiles, 
the completely insane Quad effect when viewed in third person's glorious. This game is 
going to be the must have multiplayer game to beat this Holiday season. No One is Safe. Hardwired 
action is yours for the taking in single player and multiplayer battles. Your opponents are now 
personalized for your brutalizing pleasure. These warriors may not be living and breathing, but they’ll 
make sure you aren’t either. Feed on raw action, build your fragging muscles, then rack up live Deathmatch 
kills on the Internet or LAN. A seething hive of computer-spawned opponents will leave you longing for 
a scrap of human sympathy. Each has its own special way of hunting you down and bringing you to 
your knees. Encounter a world of hurt in arenas rife with deathtraps, hazards and ruthless foes who play 
with your already twitching mind. Just when you think you’re good…you’re dead. Unbridled fear goes 
state-of-the-art with smothering fog, flickering shadows and retina-searing weapons effects that will push 
your graphic accelerator to the limit. Death comes quickly...Experience relentless multiplayer deathmatches 
over the Internet with bristling response times and controls.

Console Commands
To Access the console commands all you have to do is press the tilde (~)key and type in "/devmap XXXX" where the xx's 
are you type the name of your map for example "/devmap q3dm16" this will bring up the bouncy map then when you are 
playing type the following commands to get where you want to and frag who you feel like fragging. 

/give all----this will give you all guns 
/god-----Don't die 
/give quad damage----gives you quad damage 
/give flight-----gives you flight ability 
/give invisibility----makes you invisible 
/give speed-----makes you run faster 
/give regeneration-----makes you practicly a god 
/give battle suit----makes you invinsible against lava, drowning, acid and such hazards 
/give mega health----gives you 100 health over the limit 
/noclip----makes you fly and go through walls but you cant shoot and bots cant see you 
/cg_thirdperson 1---thirdperson view