monsters, all in an effort to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainer. You'll choose one of three tamed "starter" monsters at the beginning of the game to help you capture other monsters. Let the Pokemon craze begin! |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Collect all of the yellow pokemon characters and trade them with friends to get Blue and Red characters. You'll need to use all three
of the versions (Yellow, Red and Blue) to collect all
Test your training skills
by battling against a friend using the Game Boy Link
Save your Pokemon collection and game progress on the Game Pak memory. |
craze over Pokemon (called 'Pocket Monsters' in Japan) has spread from the Pokemon Game Boy games to toys, clothing, cartoons and even snack food. You can't go anywhere in Japan without running into Pokemon, and now, it's coming to America. Pokemon appeals to many ages and types of fan, which is a big part of why it's so popular. Players enjoy the role-playing, collecting and trading aspects of the game, which make Pokemon so unique. The primary goal in Pokemon is to find, capture and train various monsters, all in an effort to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainer. You'll choose one of three tamed 'starter' monsters at the beginning of the game to help you capture other monsters. There are 151 monsters in 15 different categories. Each category will be based on a specific characteristic or element, such as water, fire, flora, etc. There's a catch, though: there will are three versions of the game, a Red version, a Blue version and a Yellow version, and not all of the monsters will be on any one Game Pak. To collect all 151 monsters, you'll have to trade. In Japan, this monster-collecting feature has made America's trading card frenzy seem tame by comparison. Collecting the monsters is simply addictive -- but that's just the half of it! You'll be able to customize your Pokemon by training them differently as they grow and evolve. For example, two fire-breathing Charmanders may end up with very different skills and abilities by the time they evolve into their most powerful forms. The possibilities are endless with Pokemon! |
Steve () on Tuesday, August 1, 19100 at 13:29:22
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This game rocks, its the best game for the gameboy. Especially when you have a level 97 picachu! J --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Chris Wilson Dunn
on Wednesday, July 5, 19100 at 12:59:30
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 of any item go to viridian city talk to the old man and answer no then fly to fucsia city surf on the water go to the edge of seafoam island [ where it looks like you are half
on water half on land] surf up and down [does not work on yellow version].
John () on Saturday, June
10, 19100 at 10:16:38
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a cheat! write: x-mewtwo to get him!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Ashley Thompson
on Friday, April 21, 19100 at 08:32:24
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- to beat misty you would be better of using pikchu you can catch him in the forest -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Thursday, March 16, 19100 at 20:34:47
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- These codes require gameshark to work. The pokemon must be in first position. You can get rid of hm attacks too. 01??72D1
Skill Modifier (1st Position)
Change ?? to 00
Jeremy Fina (
on Monday, March 6, 19100 at 12:12:24
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokémon is certainly a very good game. There are no Pokémon after all 151 (Mew being the 151st) such as Pikablu (which is a fake name, the real name is Marill), Charcolt, and Mewthree. There are no codes, only glitchs, such as MissingNo., but he will screw up your game. If not immedietly, but indefinately will mess up your game.. Rare candy is not healthy for your pokemon because they don't fight..their stats will decrease. And for those of you who say stats don't matter are wrong..Attack, Special, and Defense are the three most important stats. And no, glitched Pokemon found with gameshark (glitched meaning a scrambled picture) are NOT a pokemon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Wednesday, March 1, 19100 at 18:53:54
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS GAME IS VERY ADDICTIVE AND VERY ENJOYABLE. A MUST HAVE GAME FOR ANY AGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, February 1, 19100 at 18:49:40
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I borrowed my friend's gameboy for a week and i loved it so much i'm trying to get it myself! I have some cheats. my best one is a free level 25 Eevee in the red version of the game! e-mail me to find out more! anyway this game is the best game i've ever played on the gameboy and i think it's a really awesome game!!!!!!!TTWWOO BBIIGG TTHHUUMMBBSS UUPP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, January 4, 19100 at 10:57:33
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm from the UK and have a color gameboy, I have played the Yellow Pokemon on my PC with the Emulator and thought it was fantastic, if anyone knows if it is comming out in the UK then PLEASE let me know- AND HAPPY NEW YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 20:59:00
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- To defeat brock, capture a mankey in the grassy area around the pokemon league gate. Go to the forest and use mankey to fight until he learns low kick. Then go see brock and fight using low kick. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
David Ward
on Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 14:19:46
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely spiffing!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 06:28:46
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good game, the graphics are quite good, but could be sharper. Good Fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Stefan Dipple Stefan on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 08:06:44
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO GET MEWTHREE. Catch a mewtwo and name it Boston.Make sure you have an open spot on your team.Then go to the game corner.Staythere till mewtwo gets poisoned.DON'T LEAVE!!!!!WAIT TILL MEWTWO FAINTS.Look at your pokemon. you should have mewthree. CHARCOAL-evoleves from Charizard,fire type,looks like Charizard but he is skinnier.ROOTS-evolves from vileplume. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Trent Garcia
on Monday, October 25, 1999 at 21:28:50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- To capture any pokemon,to make a pokeball act like a masterball hold B after throwing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 03:00:29
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've played this game a couple of times...and I gotta' tell's really a fun game...not only that...but it's something people of all ages could enjoy playing if they could just take a few minutes to give it a try...I should know...I'm a 32yr. old male from Corydon,IN. and I had a blast playing if you're looking for a fun game to play whether you're 10yrs. old...or even 100... this is a fun game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Sean Kow
on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 17:50:44
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I love pokemon i watch it every week and i love the free membership i got my own membership card. you guys keep up the good work ok and please write me back ok --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 14:19:20
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tip is for Pkmn Red ONLY! But I will not give it away for free. I require some money before I give it out. E-mail me w/ the sum of money you'll pay, and, if I think it's enough, I'll gladly give you the cheat. This cheat will work, I've done it tons of times. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 20:53:24
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemon yellow is the hottest new game out. I think it is the best pokemon game yet. If you do not have it yet you might want to go out and buy it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Graham Fellows on Friday,
September 24, 1999 at 12:30:28
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I LOVE POKEMON IVE GOT RED AND BLUE VERSIONS AND CAUGHT MY LAST POKEMON MAGMAR ON THE 24/09/99 AND I NOW HAVE ALL 150 I THINK ITS THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 19:40:29
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do not send out rock pokemon a gainst water pokemon if any body wants to trade machop or charmeleon email me --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |