In this epic saga, Capcom once again blends actual historical accounts of
16th century Feudal Japan with fictional characters and magic. Onimusha 2:
Samurai's Destiny begins 10 years following the events in Onimusha:
Warlords, after Nobunaga, an infamous warlord in the history of Japan, has
brutalized a village.
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* New and diverse environments! - As players progress through Onimusha 2, they will
delight in the diversity of settings. Outside the castle walls players will explore the Town of
Imashou, a lively old gold rush town, the Mysterious Ogre Island overrun with demons, as
well as foggy canyons, hidden forests, a gold mine, caves and more. 

* Enhanced sword action! - Players can simply execute a new set of moves called 'Ohgi' or
'esoteric fighting' to execute devastating combos using a simplistic control scheme. New
enemy reactions and a multitude of action sequences have also been added. 

* Realistic Presentation! - Onimusha 2 will feature twice the amount of CG storyline
movies. Capcom has employed the talents of live-action movie actors to add facial and
movement realism as well as an actual stage director to ensure overall realism and

* New Battle System - Players will gain access to the fighting skills of not only the main
character but up to five unique sub-characters. 

Players take the role of the hero, a young warrior and master of the Yagyuu
Shinkage sword fighting style, who seeks revenge against Nobunaga and to
uncover his destiny. Onimusha 2 features diverse environments, enhanced
sword action, and new character interaction.

Do you have any information or facts about this videogame?  If you do, we would love to here from you.  Submit it below, and if it is good, we will post it on this site.
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