![]() Refurbished NES
All of Our Systems Includes
6502 (1.8
MHz) |
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Entertainment System was released in America in 1985, after some
success in Japan as the Famicom. Over the next few years, its user base would grow exponentially until the NES surpassed the Atari VCS/2600 peak set in 1982. As of 1990, there were over 19 million NES systems in the United States alone. In addition to the tremendous success of the system, its games had a great deal prosperity. For example, Super Mario Bros. 3 released in 1989 grossed over $500 million just in America. In the field of entertainment, only the movie E.T. has made more revenue. Super Mario Bros. 3 would sell more than 7 million copies in America and 4 million in Japan, which is more copies than any other game in history. Sheff wrote, "By record-industry standards, 'SMB3' went platinum eleven times. Michael Jackson is one of the few artists to have accomplished this feat." By 1990, the money earned from Nintendo's NES and its games allowed Nintendo to usurp Toyota as Japan's most successful company. In the entertainment business, Nintendo netted as much as all of the American movie studios combined, and more than the three television networks had in the previous two years. In the five short years since the system was released, the NES could be found in more than a third of the household in America and Japan. This monopoly gave Nintendo significant control over the market during the Fourth Generation, which they utilized in various malicious schemes. Despite all of this, they are still one of the most popular and well-known companies in the world. Nintendo's only competitor in the 8-bit market was Sega with their Sega Master System. While the Master System did have many more features than the NES (which is evident in a side-by-side comparison) it lacked the third party support that Nintendo had and was not much competition. The Master System sold a total of 2 million units and at times had a market share of 11%, these were the only reason the system survived as long as it did. |
You can replace the batteries in games that have batteries if they stop remembering the games. I replaced the battery in my Zelda game a few years back and it works great now. Take the cart apart, carefully remove the battery, and take it to Fred Meyers or somewhere to get a replacement. Just make sure it's the same volt. When you put it back in you may need to solder it just lightly or tape it to keep it in place. |
After reading a few of these postings I had to reply...the older nintendo (original) and cartridges were not meant to be "blown" in when they didn't work. They needed to be cleaned. Like when your car battery gets corroded and needed to be cleaned to have a good connection. That's why all those CLEANERS were out there for the nintendo and cartridges. Moisture is a good conductor, but probably shortened the life of many a nintendo or sega system. Another reason for the games not working is the 72 pin connector in the nintendo. They wear out and need to be replaced. |
I remember the NES Robot. It worked with the Pipe Dream game. It actually opened the pipes for you. I bought one at a garage sale a few years ago, but when I brought it home and hooked it up, it didn't work. So I just brought it back and got something else. Man, I should have kept it anyways. I actually have a full arsenal of NES additions. Remember the carpet? I still have fun with that thing. And a few years back I bought the 4 way cordless joystick divider for 39 cents at Tops. I have about 40 games for the system. And I'm sure all of you have the gun. Duck hunt is still the best shooting game out there. |
Foss 11/02/01
Well i must say that i love the NES and the 2600, but i only have the old nintendo. Way better than that new stuff. The new stuff just wants to be more then what it is. They will have no, if very few classic games when all is said and done. Anyway, does anyone know where i can find more NES games for sale online? I'm looking Moon Patrol and i be dawned if i can find it. |
on Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 20:56:20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everybody knows that old pieca crap.....whitch is the little thing (nintendo)that always is a pain in the ???. by the way I don't have the top loader nintendo (which is I know cool) but WHERE IN THE ???? DO YOU GET ONE!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 19:38:33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah I have played Castlevania II: Simon's Quest because I own it and have beaten it. I liked the style Nintendo used in this game because it was a lot better than your simple side-scroller. Its one of my favs, along with the Metroid, Double Dragon, and Mega Man series. I'm a pro at those series and more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 15:08:39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A not so well known fact is nintendo has been around for over 200 years not as a video game provider BUT as a card game. Your Friend, Mike
Kid Niki () on
July 21, 2001 at 16:20:31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use an abrasive on your system, like 300 grit sand paper on the part where the game is inserted, it tends to make the system work better.I think it helps the game make contact or sumfin.LIke cleaning battery cable's on a car. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, June 9, 2001 at 22:21:09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other type of nintendo you speak of was released in some european and south american countries as the family entertainment systems it workwd with normal nes games and with a adapter you could play other famicom games as well. The reason it did not come out in the u.s is because it would be much cheaper to buy that small console than that big gray one that brings ore parts to break. I love all nintendo's but we have to remember this is a buissness and nintendo wants tomake the most money possible. This is the reason we never got that small white with red console. I had the chance to play on it and it never failed it was great. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Friday, June 1, 2001 at 09:55:31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that only 50% of a NES cartrige is full of electronic componets? - Brian at Video Game Quest --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 11:04:29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you remember the little nintendo robot. I ask people about it but they dont remember it. But I know it existed. Could you send me any info about it --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, May 1, 2001 at 17:50:54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey i remmember the 2nd nes i have it i think the best
nes game
was a nightmare on elm street i loved seeing it say freddy's coming
on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 12:56:27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dont know if this counts as info, more of an inquirey. does anyone out there know if there is a complete listing of the NES game titles anywhere??? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Daniel () on
Sunday, November
19, 2000 at 15:45:51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know you that Galoob sold a converter for their Game Genie for the Top Loading NES? If you've tried, you'll notice the Game Genie won't fit!! But with the converter, (Which is more rare than the Top Loader itself!!) you can use a Game Genie on the top loading system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Friday, November 17, 2000 at 23:57:51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like many people, i recently took my good old NES to college. I got it as soon as it came out. So it has had it's better days. Yet it works flawlessly. The secret is taking q-tips with rubbing alcohol on them and running them on the connectors, pressing down decently hard. Then take a dry q-tip and do it again until no more dirt stuff is on the q-tip.. It works!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and does anyone know of a way to replace the battery in Super Tecmo Bowl when it runs out? Just wondered, haven't had the problem yet, but should have it run out soon.. Yeah --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, October 7, 2001 at 02:05:59 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone remember a Hudson game that was based around saving a princess or a queen or somthing? it was really hard. it being a hudson game, because that little bee would come out and give you a free man.. if you remember the name of this game PLEASE! mail me.. its driving me crazy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday,
September 19, 2001 at 15:56:58 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember how the old, very first Nintendo crapped out on you after a year to a year-and-a-half. I remember how we'd all have to blow on our games as well as our system just to get the games working. All different ways of doing this came out in fact because it was so common. That really sucked because it was the only way you could get the game working. The new systems as well as the later ones right after the original Nintendo (I'm talking about Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis) are much more durable and last much longer. You only have to blow in them maybe once, maybe twice AT THE MOST if they're a few years old, whereas we would have to blow on the Nintendo and/ or Nintendo games several times often. Man, that was a b****! I don't know how Nintendo could have made a machine with such a short life span. What they ought to do is remanufacture the original Nintendo and all its games. Remember all the fun we used to have with Rampage, Contra, Mega Man I and II, Mario 1-3, Kid Icarus, Castlevania 1-3, Metroid, Punch Out, the Turtles games, Skate or Die 1 and 2, The Legend of Zelda, and all those real classics. Ah, man, those were the days... Nintendo, I urge you to reproduce this timeless machine and all of its timeless games. I would buy them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 23:35:35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did any of you ever play Castlevania2? You could go different directions and choose weather or not you were ready to move on to a different area. It was a lot different layout than 1 or 3. Why did they change the format back after C2 and are there other old NES games out there with a similar theme and set up? You also could continue indefinately after dying- you never had to go all the way back to the start. How come C3 and SNES C4 went back to C1's format? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 at 23:17:07 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- know NES is a back in the day system, but you guys need to stock up on the game "Maniac Mansion" that one is a classic. Oh and you guys need to stock up on Nightmare on elm street also. That's what i gots to say.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, July 8, 2000 at 21:57:48 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess what my Nintendo system works Because it is the hard to find Top loading nintendo made in 1993 i have 2 of them one with original box, instructions, and posters to go with it all in mint condition with a dog bone controller and I have another with a dog bone controller also a dog bone controller is shaped like a super nintendo controller it's a newer sign of the times design E-mail me for a picture you can bid on this item at Ebay I have gotten both of mine from them! Just type Nintendo nes top loading orNintendo nes top loader in the search area on ebay that is if they don't have them here the auctions on these usually end at about $100.00 for these the reason you want one is they work every time they load from top like a snes and N64! NO MORE BLOWING NES GAMES THEY WORK EVERY TIME UNLESS THE GAME IS BROKEN! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 19:25:09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that Dragon Power is really Dragon Ball Z we'll not like DBZ but it's like the original Dragon Ball when goku was Little and i'm series because it's fun and eciting to.master roshi doesn't have a small beard and glasses instead he has a long beard and has name is not called master roshi has name is called turtle hermit and the game is o.k, but these games are not violent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Ryan Smith
on Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 02:20:07 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember seeing photos of the 2nd nes in a videogame magazine several years ago. it looked sort of like the sega master system but grey with red and dark grey buttons. that is the only time i've ever heard or seen of it. i sort of assumed it never came to market because of a lack of enthusiasum. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 00:37:51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey. I'm a baseball player in college and I find that more of my friends use the NES than any other system. We love playing RBI baseball more than anything but can't stand hauling around the equipment to hotel rooms. Can someone please tell me the name of the smaller system and how I can get my hands on it. It's time for a new one anyway, I'm tired of blowing, hitting, spitting, and cursing my old one!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 18:13:43 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, me too. I had the old one but I used it soooo much, that...:)Now I have the new one, which is smaller. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, February 5, 2000 at 08:51:34 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey did you know that Super Mario Brothers 2 was never released here in the USA? The Famicom accepted computer-like disks and Mario 2 was on one. Instead, because everyone was dying for a new Mario, they found a game called "Dream Adventure" (I think that's the name) They replaced the characters with the Mario characters and that is our version of Mario 2. You can get these in Mario All-stars. The game title is "Super Mario Brothers : the Legend of the Lost Levels" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 18:53:07 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, I have the new style. I used to have an old-style but I beat it to death. The newer ones are wedge-shaped, small, and the cartridges stand vertically to the deck. My theory about why they last longer is because they're harder to hit! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 23:04:46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that there are two different styles of the NES. The first style is the one everyone knows. The second style-the cartriges are put in the console like the SNES and the N64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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