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Neo Geo
Clex_kidd ASOSIGpeece@aol.com
on Monday, September 24, 2001 at 12:32:10
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The snk neo geo is the only 24 bit console in existence. SNK made alot of arcade titles that the genesis and super nintendo could not accurately reproduce so they decided to make the Neo Geo home mvs. Originally it was just a rental (in japan only) but it was in demand so they made it available to the public. In the U.S. it was only available through mail order or at specialty stores. They still make games for this console today. Basically, the arcade version of Neo Geo mvs games are cartridges and the games for the Neo Geo home mvs are the same cartriges. It was not a huge success though because of the outrageous prices of the games and console. After you paid the 500 (700 in the beginning) for the system, you had to pay another 150-200 for the games.it was released in 1990. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Steven () on
September 5, 2001 at 14:12:02
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The neogeo was 24bit,im not sure about howmany sprites or colors this system can produce nor do i know the cpu speed,also the system had no onboard ram the ram was mounted on the game cartridge's themselves, this is why the system was cheap $200 and the games were very expensive $200 and more --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Jonny Jobe
on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 14:34:51
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months?!? The Neo has been the longest thriving system in the industry with more than a decade in the business and new games still being released for it. I have a NEO GEO MVS arcade system in My house and the quality of the games are unsurpassed by any other system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
(dr_love_3006) on
Saturday, August 4, 2001 at 01:09:29
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I forget all the details, but I do remember that the Neo-Geo was significantly more powerful than every other system of it's generation. I also remember that it was equally more expensive. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the system retailed for around $600 with some games selling for over $100 almost $200. Don't quote me on this though, I don't remember for sure. I definately remember playing Samurai Showdown (Samurai Spirits) on the arcade units though... hehe remember the arcade units... they had the same controller layout, and they had 4 games to select from... they were cool.... retro... for an 18 year old at least, I'm too young to be truly old skool... I never even had an Atari 2600... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Da King () on
Sunday, July
15, 2001 at 17:54:45
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- They haven' t stopped making games for it, Jeremy... Actually, SNK recently released King Of Fighters 2000 for it. And when did you
figure King
Of Fighters '98 was released?...
on Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 21:57:46
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeremy, the reason why this system didn't last long is because of the rediculis $750 introductory price that never decreased, not to mention the carts started at $129. Today, Neo Geo games are widely collected by gaming enthusiasts and due to that fact and the short production run, they are among the rarest of "extinct" systems. Many carts are now even more spendy than whe they were new, some listed in price guides as high as $900, and there is one known copy of "Metal Slug" that is listed at $1500. I love this system, there are many arcade classics under it's title, and the arcade style controllers make this the next best thing to an actual home arcade. If anyone should ever find carts for this, or the system itself at a garage sale, don't hesitate, just buy, it's well worth it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 08:16:08
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neo Geo was perhaps the worst idea ever. It had great games, some of the best, which would defintly rival those of the playstation and N64 era. So your wondering about my first statement? The original game cost was $1000!!! It was the best system of its time but noone would spend that much money. If you can find this system now it is somewhat cheaper(I can barely find it for less than $300!) and trust me it is worth that. Good games for it include Baseball Stars 2, any of the Samurai Shodown games, Metal Slug, Fatal Fury and many others are also good. Most people who know about this have played it in the arcade --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Julio Cabral
on Wednesday, May 2, 2001 at 22:28:40
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best games of any system are the Samurai Showdown games. (Samurai Spirits in Japan). These games need to be updated on a new system (Dreamcast?) or compiled into a collection. It is a crime that we have seen countless King of Fighter games for playstation and Dreamcast and nothing worth while in the Samurai Showdown series. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
mr t
on Friday, April 20, 2001 at 18:17:58
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still a powerhouse system has no memory the games contain th memory somegames use 800 mb compare to n64s biggest cart 256mb many reviews of recent remakes of metal slug etc all say th neo geo handled the graphics better amazing considering it was made in 1990 the closest thing toa true home arcade even today the controllers are bulletproof killer games like nam 75 magician lord metal slug 3 kof2000 all arcade perfect with no load timesor scratched disc some neogeo games cost 700 dollars --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
(wesinnc@aol.com) on
Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 14:47:08
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Neo Geo was the most powerful 16-bit system ever produced (some sources I have read list it as a 24-bit system). It never became very popular because of it's incredibly high price at the time it was released, something like $700 for the system and $200 for games (each!). SNK made a number of popular arcade games based on the same architecture you could bring home with the Neo Geo. The games released for it were identical to their arcade counterparts. SNK later released the Neo Geo CD on which they re-released their earlier cartridge titles in a CD format with intention of making them more affordable to the mainstream market. It was unsuccessful because by the time it was released there were far more powerful systems on the market for roughly the same price. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
(junkbox@snet.net) on
Friday, April 13, 2001 at 02:34:36
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- This system beat the SNES and Genesis both into piles of snot. Its only problem was the incredible price tag of $800 for the system and another $200 for the games. My parents thought about buying me one, but made the decision that the SNES was better. The price of one Neo Geo game was worth an entire SNES system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Chris Hill
on Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 10:26:49
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are truly a die-hard NEO-GEO fan, visit the best support site on the 'net at http://welcome.to/undertheneogeomoon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Jojo Harission
on Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 17:10:30
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- All i can tell you about this is that it was a very expensive system, upwards of $700 plus at release. it was a good systemand they had a cd add on too, i don't know anything else accept they had samuri showdown for it, i never owned it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Sam Justis
on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 at 06:52:14
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember seeing this Game at Babagges when I was a kid. At the time it had the best graphics bar none. I think what prevented its success was its price: apprx $500-600. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Tuesday, February 6, 2001 at 01:09:20
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know how old this article is, but they are still making a VERY few games for NEO GEO over here in Japan. They range from $10-$700! (yeah I did the conversion already) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 09:48:49
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you mean 3 months? King of Fighters 2000 was just released in December. They made games for the Neo-Geo for a good ten years, and they still make Capcom's 2-D games look like crap. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Friday, November 24, 2000 at 12:17:54
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Neo Geo failed because the system was so damn expensive ! Price-tags of fl 600,- ( I don't know the US price tags, but I guess about $ 250,-)were quite common. The biggest name was SNK with 2-D beat'm ups like King of Fighters and Fatal Fury. The fans of the genre consider the Neo Geo as their highlight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 23:17:34
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- the Neo geo came out in 1990 and they are still making quality games for it. It was a 24 bit systems with great sprite pushing power. The large cart sizes lead to 200-300 dollar games however and the system was never a mainstream success. They did however find a niche market with fighting games, and with their MVS arcade systems where arcade operators could simply put in a new cart to change the game. A system that technically was ahead of its time, but too expensive for us working joes. ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
on Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 12:29:58
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi do you know something about the "Maxplay" a videogame between 80's and 90's??? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Barry L. Laws,
Jr. (bigdcaldavis2000@yahoo.com)
on Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 17:16:54
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thing that did in the Neo Geo was the outrageously high prices of the individual game cartridges. The price of the Neo Geo itself was outrageously high as well. Try about $699 for the Neo Geo system itself, and anywhere from $200 to up to $300 for the cartridges. That's what did in the Neo Geo. However, I don't know what did in the NGPC (Neo Geo Pocket Color). I guess it was Gameboy Color's monopoly on the handheld market (Gameboy Advance will probably have a similar monopoly next yeat). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Jeremy jeroli_69@yahoo.com
on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 22:06:42
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I heard it didn't last more than 6 months before they stopped making games for it. The reason why is unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Lance llship@hotmail.com
on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 01:55:36
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know ive heard of this system...seeing it on your web site just made me remember it....i think it made a lot of fighting games, kinda like the street fighter alpha's...i used to have video game mag's and i saw it in the back of em...but i just got back interested in the 3do system ( i may buy one from you if this ebay thing doesnt work out) and i knew there where other systems of the time, i just couldnt remember em...i wish i still had those magazines, i can look, if i find something i'll tell you later --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
althoff mcbeast@juno.com
on Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 20:12:02
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know how to get the slave in the 2nd mission of Metal Slug X. There are 3 of them! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |