Players assume the role of lead Impossible Mission Force (IMF) field-agent Ethan Hunt as 
he works his way through five perilous missions. Throughout 20 levels, Ethan will need to 
utilize wits and savvy to survive and complete the daring missions.
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Mission Impossible is a captivating spy adventure that combines cerebral puzzle solving and an innovative 
game design. Use your CIA training and amazing electronic gadgets like a fountain pen dart-gun or exploding 
gun to get through this mission. With thrilling 3D backgrounds, 360 degree character mobility and dramatic 
"floating" camera, Mission Impossible takes you to an entirely new level of game play that you have never 
experienced before! 

Developer notes
Enter “TTOPFSECRETT” as a password. (Ignore “Bad Password message.) 

Disable AI
Enter “SCAREDSTIFF” as a password. (Ignore “Bad Password” message.) 

First go to load game, then go to password and type these in. 

Level                      Password
2.Subpen                   HILKJTKUMLBF
3.Embassy Function         PMCQEQPJQQDQ
4.Warehouse                KNDPFTPLQYDO
5.KGB HQ                   LDEESUVPRWGB
6.Security Hallway         LFERHGVRXJGP
7.Sewege Control           LBEHSFVNRTGG
9.Escape(KGB HQ)           NIQNKRQUSLHF
10.Fire Alarm              NQQQKLRHSNHJ
11.Interrogation Room      AMRQMQSJNQPQ
12.Interrogation Hallway   BBMENISNNTKG
13.Interrogation Infirmary CENHOQGWIVLD
14.CIA Rooftop             CINKPTGUILLF
15.Terminal Room           BQMMTUGHUNKJ
16.Rooftop Escape          BOMNOGGVURKL
17.Station                 MEPHFQTWVVJD
19.Train Car #2(MAX)       FLNNEPTITPIK
20.Train Roof              MGNQFHTKTSIM
21.Subpen                  DHIJLSIRKJFP
22.Tunnel                  DKILMIUMKXFH
23.Mainland                OMGSKPIIJPNK
24.Gunboat                 DNGOLHIKJSNM

Slow motion
Enter “IMTIREDTODAY” as a password. (Ignore “Bad Password message.) 

Super jumps
Enter “BIONICJUMPER” as a password. (Ignore “Bad Password” message.) 

Turbo mode
Enter “GOOUTTAMYWAY” as a password. (Ignore “Bad Password” message.) 

View FMV sequences
Enter “SEECOOLMOVIE” as a password. (Ignore “Bad Password message.)