Legendary monsters battle among earth’s cities to determine the planet’s fate. Attempting worldwide domination, aliens have gained control over Godzilla’s longtime rivals - the kaiju must be defeated. Participate in a spectacle like no other by combating the greatest beasts on a colossal scale, as the world’s future hangs in the balance.
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    * Fight as one of 11 monsters in eight different cities.

    * Destroy all monsters with hand-to-hand, close range and special moves. Dominate with specialized projectile weapons.

    * Each monster has specific physical attributes to be used as an advantage or a weakness, but only in this Xbox version will you find the ultra-powerful Mechagodzilla 2000!

    * Level each city with real building destruction and physics, many EXCLUSIVE to the Xbox console!

    * Huge sense of scale puts you in control of a 180 ft. 8 ton beast.

    * Take on all six modes of play as any of the monsters.

    * Watch as the human army of each city fights off the monsters with advanced weaponry.

    * 4-player fighting mayhem!

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