Get reacquanted with an all-new
GEX.  And his Miss Adventures.
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Playstation Page
All-new character mechanics!  Scuba diving
gliding, machine gunning, fire-ball hurling and more.
Baywatch's Marliece Andrada stars as the beautiful
Agent Xtra spoofing buxom spy babes of the past.
All-new intuitive 3D camera system.
Over 25 all-new disguises!  Private GEX,
GEX Capone, Count DracuGEX and more
Over 1,000 wise-cracks and celebrity
impressions from comedian Dana Gould

All-new secret playable characters

Master Of Disguise

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Tips, Tricks and Reveiws
Marsha  on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 09:17:15
I am having trouble finding the three mini games in Mystery TV..can you help me? 
Mary on Monday, January 3, 2000 at 20:00:42
HELP! I can't climb Jack's Beanstalk ! Any tips would be useful!
Kim  on Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 18:13:44
I think you should make your website a little more easier to get to. I had alot of trouble 
getting to your website. I had to go through so many searches to get here.

Please make this particular site more easy to get to!

Kevin Loesser  on Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 13:42:29
I think this game was pretty challenging. But all the enemys where killed with one hit. Getting every single item was hard, but still 
not enough action. Maybe next time Eidos!!!
Tim  on Monday, June 21, 1999 at 01:16:18
I got Gex Deep Cover Gecko on the weekend and I thought it was absolutely great
10 lives
Press square,X,Circle,Circle,Triangle,Then square.You sould have 10 lives.If you do it 10 times,You sould have 100 lives! 

Beat Evil Santa
Wait until he throws a present and stand to the right or left of it and tail whack it to send it sailing back at him. Repeat three times.

Cheat Codes
To activate a cheat, pause the game and highlight “Exit”. Then hold L2 while entering one of the cheats below.

     3D camera –- Up, Down, Up, Down, Select (2) 
     Invincibility –- Down, Up, Left (2), Triangle, Right, Down 
     GEX one-liners –- Down, Right, Left, Circle, Up, Right 

Debug Menu
To activate debug menu, pause the game and highlight “Exit”. Then hold R2 while entering: Up, Circle, Right, Up, Left, Right,
Down. (During game, push Select to view cheat menu.) 

Easy Remotes in Mission Control
1st Remote: Go to the "Wreck Room" and beat all the obstacles.

2nd Remote: Go up the mountain to the left side of the TV that takes you to "The Pole".

GexVault Codes
In order to activate cheats, you must first open the GexVault. (The vault is unlocked when the player has beaten the four secret
stages: Mission Control, Lake Flacid, Slappy Valley, and Funky Town.)

     10 extra lives -- Square, X, Circle (2), Triangle, Circle 
     1 extra life -- Triangle, Circle, Star, Square (2), X 
     8 Hit Paws -- Square, Diamond, Triangle (2), Star, Diamond 
     Debug menu -- Square (2), Diamond, Circle, X, X (During game, push Select to view cheat menu.) 
     Invincibility -- Square, Star, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Diamond 
     Level select -- Square, Circle (2), Triangle, X, X (During game, push Select to choose a level.) 
     Play as Alfred the turtle -- Square, X, Triangle, Square, Star (2) 
     Play as Cuz the gray dinosaur -- Square, Diamond, Square (2), Triangle, Diamond 
     Play as Rex the red dinosaur -- Square, Star (2), Square, Triangle (2) 
     Gex one-liners -– Square, Triangle, X, Star, Square, X (During game, push Select to hear lines.) 
     GEX video I (Gangster)-- Circle, Triangle, Square, Star, Diamond, Star 
     GEX video II (Western) -- Diamond, Star, Square, X, Triangle, Circle 
     GEX video III (Army) -- X, Diamond, Star, Triangle (2), Circle 
     GEX videos (I – III) -- Star, X (2), Circle, Square, Triangle 

Play as DracuGex
To play as DracuGex in Mission Control, go to Clueless. Up the stairs, on the left-hand side, there is picture of DracuGex. Gaze
upon it using the Triangle button. (If you are staring intently enough, Rez should laugh.)