The world of Final Fantasy returns to Game Boy Advance! When Marche and his friends, Mewt and Ritz, open an ancient magical tome, their small town of St. Ivalice transforms into a kingdom of swords and sorcery known as Ivalice. To return his world to normal, Marche must join a clan and take up the sword, learn magic and fight his way through dozens of tactical battles. Ultimately, he must unravel the riddle of the crystals, the magical stones that are the key to restoring his home.
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Gameboy Advance 

* Command a squad of fighters, mages and monsters to create a plan of attack and strike enemies with swords, magic and incredible summoned monster attacks that are the trademark of every Final Fantasy game.

* Immerse yourself in the fantasy! Dozens of jobs and hundreds of abilities give you the power to control every aspect of the battle.

* Take on hundreds of missions and one of the many side quests to see what treasures await you.

* Abide by the new law system or you'll wind up in jail and out of action. But watch out, because not everyone observes the law!

* Link up with a friend to win battles, trade items or even trade clan members. 

Command a squad of fighters, mages, and monsters to create a plan of attack and strike at your enemies with swords, magic and the incredible summons that are the trademark of any Final Fantasy game. Over a hundred missions await you, but be careful – if you fail to abide by the rules of combat, you’ll wind up in jail and out of the action! Link up with a friend to team up in a battle, trade items or even trade clan members!
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