The sequel to the PlayStation hit "Duke Nukem: Time to Kill". One Man. 
One Mission. One Million Babes to Save. What better mission for Duke 
Nukem? In the future an alien race has eliminated the entire male population 
of earth and enslaved the few remaining women. However, some women managed 
to escape, and united to form the Unified Babe Resistance. Being the chivalrous 
hero that he is, Duke promptly signs up to help the babes. 
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One Man. One Mission. One Million Babes to save. The sequel to the PlayStation hit "Duke Nukem: 
Time to Kill". One Man. One Mission. One Million Babes to Save. What better mission for Duke Nukem?
In the future an alien race has eliminated the entire male population of earth and enslaved the few remaining 
women. However, some women managed to escape, and united to form the Unified Babe Resistance (UBR). 
Using a time portal device, the UBR tracked down Duke and made his choice very simple, help them now or 
there would be no chicks in the future. Being the chivalrous hero that he is, Duke promptly signs up to help 
the babes.